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Report of Regents P-12 Education/Adult Career and Continuing Education (ACCES) Joint Meeting Committee to The Board of Regents

Your P-12 Education Committee and Adult Career and Continuing Education Services Committee (ACCES) held a joint meeting on October 26, 2015.  All members were present, except for Vice Chancellor Bottar and Regent Cottrell, who were excused.


Preschool Special Education Programs and Services [P-12/ACCES (D) 1] – The Committees discussed proposed amendments to regulations relating to preschool special education programs and services.  Discussion focused on the recommended policy changes to enhance the quality of preschool special education instruction and behavioral supports, improve efficient use of staff resources, improve effectiveness, coordination and continuity of special education services and support inclusion of preschool students with disabilities in regular early childhood programs and activities and in classes with nondisabled peers. It is anticipated that the proposed amendment will be presented for adoption at the January 2016 Board of Regents meeting.

Targeted Improvement Activities and Resources to Improve Results for Students With Disabilities [P-12/ACCES (D) 2] – the Committee discussed critical areas for action and proposed improvement activities aligned with the Blueprint for Improved Results for Students with Disabilities.  The Blueprint was developed in consultation with the Commissioner’s Advisory Panel for Special Education, parents and technical assistance providers. The discussion focused on the seven core principles of the Blueprint and practices supported by research for all students with disabilities. An update on placements of students with disabilities in integrated settings (least restrictive environment) will be presented to the Regents at their November meeting. 

Transition Planning and Services for Students with Disabilities [P-12/ACCES (D) 3] – the Committee discussed Department initiatives to improve transition planning and services and employment outcomes for students with disabilities.  Transition services are a coordinated set of activities focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of students to facilitate their movement from school to post-school activities. Discussion focused on enhancing access to quality CTE programs and work-based learning activities to prepare students with disabilities with essential work readiness skills.  The Offices of P-12 Education and Adult Career and Continuing Education Services will continue to work collaboratively on this initiative and will update the Regents at a future meeting.