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Report of Regents P-12 Education Committee to The Board of Regents

Regents Committee on P-12 Education

Vice Chancellor Finn, Co-Chair, Regent Chin, Co-Chair, Regent Tilles, Regent Cea, Regent Norwood, Regent Cottrell, Regent Wills, Regent Ferrer, Regent Tanikawa, Regent Catania, and Regent Hale.

The P-12 Education Committee held its scheduled meeting on November 13, 2023. All members were present except for Vice Chancellor Josephine V. Finn, Regent Roger Tilles, and Regent James E. Cottrell who were excused. Chancellor Lester W. Young, Jr., Regent Catherine Collins, and Regent Susan W. Mittler also attended the meeting but did not vote on the action items.


Proposed Amendment of Section 100.5 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Relating to Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Media Arts Course Flexibility for the Individual Arts Assessment Pathways (IAAP) and Career and Technical Education (CTE) Pathways to High School Graduation [P12 (D) 1] – Department staff presented a proposed regulatory amendment to permit CTE certified teachers to instruct media arts courses for IAAP credit and to permit visual arts teachers to instruct such courses for CTE Pathway Credit.   

Proposed Amendment of Section 119.1 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Relating to the Calculation of Aid Attributable to Students with Disabilities Served in Charter Schools [P12 (D) 2] – Department staff presented proposed amendments to the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education that pertain to charter school financing in order reflect changes in state funding allocations.   

Proposed Amendment of Section 3.16 of the Rules of the Board of Regents Relating to Updates to Delegation of Authority Regarding Charter Revisions [P12 (D) 3] - Department staff presented proposed amendments to the Rules of the New York State Board of Regents that pertain to the delegation of certain charter school revision actions to the Commissioner of Education.

Deputy Commissioner Jason Harmon reviewed the items on the Consent Agenda.

Associated Agenda Item

Meeting Date: 
Monday, November 13, 2023 - 2:00pm
