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Meeting of the Board of Regents | January 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010 - 11:10pm

Report of



The Board of Regents

January 11, 2010


Your VESID Committee held its scheduled meeting on January 11, 2010.   All

members were present with the exception of Regents Bowman and Rosa who were excused.  Chancellor Tisch, Chancellor Emeritus Bennett and Commissioner Steiner also attended.                                      




              Staff provided an update on the CUNY LEADS (Linking Employment, Academics and Disability Services) project, highlighting the collaboration between CUNY and VESID in improving employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities.  The partnership was created to provide students with disabilities the skills to make realistic choices that will result in successful career outcomes. The results from the project demonstrate the cost effectiveness of this investment and indicate impressive success with retaining students within their degree programs and a high rate of placement in appropriate employment.  The Regents supported further discussion with higher education on ways to expand this kind of opportunity.   Chris Rosa from CUNY discussed their budget proposal for a line item to continue the program in the future.  (VESID (D) 1) 

          That concludes our report.