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February 2010



              Your Higher Education Committee met on February 8, 2010.  All members of the Committee were present, except Vice Chancellor Cofield and Regent Bottar.




1.  HE (D) 3     TRANSFORMING TEACHING AND LEARNING –                                                                             TEACHER STANDARDS

The Committee had a rich conversation on the development of teacher standards.  We were joined at the meeting by the President of NCATE, and the Vice President of TEAC and the Co-chairs of the Professional Standards and Practices Board for Teaching. These standards would be the basis for the re-design of pre-service teacher preparation programs, performance assessments for certification, annual professional performance reviews, and professional development for New York teachers.

The Committee asked staff to engage the educational community in the development of draft teacher education standards for the Board’s consideration.


2. HE (D) 2      TRANSFORMING TEACHING - CLINICALLY-RICH                                                                           GRADUATE TEACHER PREPARATION PROGRAM –                                                                   DRAFT STANDARDS

The Department presented to the Board draft standards for a pilot program for a clinically-based graduate teacher preparation program which would be open to both collegiate and non-collegiate institutions with a demonstrated track record for preparing teachers in high need schools.

With changes recommended during today’s meeting of the Committee, the Department will go ahead and draft for the Board’s approval, a Request for Proposal for the pilot program.



3. HE (D) 1      PROFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT SYSTEM FOR                                                                                EDUCATIONAL LEADERS


Building on the work already completed through the Wallace-funded grant, the Department presented the work to date on the development of an annual performance assessment for school leaders.

In addition to the number of comments from the Committee, the Department will seek feedback from the field.  The Department will return to the Board, at a later meeting, with a revised model for their consideration.



This concludes my report.




                                                                                            Harry Phillips, 3rd, Co-Chairperson


Archived materials include the agenda and associated materials for each meeting, and a detailed summary posted at the conclusion of the meeting.