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Meeting of the Board of Regents | March 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009 - 8:30am

sed seal                                                                                                 






Higher Education Committee


Johanna Duncan-Poitier




The City University of New York Master Plan, 2008-2012


February 27, 2009



Goals 2 and 4






Issue for Decision


Should the Board of Regents approve The City University of New York Master Plan, 2008-2012 and incorporate it into the Statewide Plan for Higher Education?


Reason(s) for Consideration


Required by State statute


Proposed Handling


This matter came before the Higher Education Committee for discussion at its January and February 2009 meetings.  This question will come before the Higher Education Committee at its March 2009 meeting, where it will be voted on and action taken.  It will then come before the full Board at its March 2009 meeting for final action.


Procedural History


Section 6206(3) of the Education Law requires the CUNY Board of Trustees to adopt, every four years, a long-range plan or general revision thereof, and submit it to the Regents for approval and incorporation into the Statewide Plan, and to the Governor for approval.  On June 21, 2005, the Regents adopted the Statewide Plan for Higher Education, 2004-2012, which included the CUNY 2004-2008 long-range master plan.



Pursuant to the provisions of Section 137 of Chapter 82 of the Laws of 1995, the Statewide Plan is an eight-year plan.  However, Section 6206(3) specifies that the CUNY plan is a four-year plan.  Consequently, there was a need for the CUNY Trustees to adopt a new master plan half-way through the Statewide Plan.


In October 2007, the Department sent CUNY a call letter for a new master plan.  The letter noted that statute requires the CUNY Plan to be “in such form as to provide a basis for the development of the Regents statewide plan for higher education” and asked that CUNY consider how its new Plan will contribute to each Regents priority.


CUNY distributed a planning document to the colleges, the University Faculty Senate, and the University Student Senate, soliciting full community discussion and feedback by November 30, 2007.  The feedback indicated that the draft focused very heavily on central initiatives rather than on the colleges, was incomplete regarding efforts to improve undergraduate instruction, and did not sufficiently address the role of graduate and professional education in the future of CUNY and the individual colleges.  It asked that the plan give greater emphasis to adding full-time faculty, to the commitment to a diverse faculty, to improving campus facilities, and to improving student services.


Between December 1, 2007 and March 2008, central administration staff collaborated with the colleges through meetings, telephone calls, and email in preparing a revised draft.  On March 7, 2008, the CUNY Council of Presidents had a detailed discussion of the draft at its annual retreat, after which the draft again was sent to the colleges, the University Faculty Senate, and the University Student Senate, soliciting wide discussion and feedback by April 21, 2008.  Between April 21 and May 15, staff used the feedback to shape the draft.  On May 15, 2008, an updated draft was sent again to the colleges, the University Faculty Senate, and the University Student Senate.  The Board of Trustees’ Committee approved it on June 2, 2008.


Following an opportunity for public comment on the proposed plan at the Trustees’ regular hearing on June 16, 2008, the Board adopted the new CUNY Master Plan on June 23, 2008, and transmitted it to the Regents and the Governor for approval.


Background Information


In January, the Committee asked for a recommendation on scheduling discussion of the CUNY Plan over several meetings.  Staff recommended that the Committee focus on the first half of the plan at its February meeting and the second half at its March meeting, with action at the March meeting.


In February, the Committee focused on the new Plan’s introduction and first two chapters, which together were 67 of the plan’s 135 pages.  We recommend that, this month, it focus on the remaining three chapters: “Empowering our Students for Success,” “Rebuilding our Campuses,” and “Toward 2012: Serving the City.”  One or more senior members of the CUNY Central Administration, and possibly a CUNY college president, will be present to respond to the Committee’s questions.


The actions the Board might take include:


  • Approval and incorporation into the Statewide Plan.
  • Approval in part and incorporation of that part into the Statewide Plan.
  • Approval with conditions, with conditional incorporation into the Statewide Plan.
  • Request that the CUNY Board of Trustees make amendments to the Plan and defer action pending the Trustees’ decision.
  • Disapproval.


Following any of the first three actions, the Department would ask the Governor to act favorably on the Plan as approved by the Regents.


In September 2000, the Board approved CUNY’s 2000 Master Plan without condition and incorporated it into the 1996 Statewide Plan.  It approved CUNY’s 2004 Master Plan without condition as part of developing the 2004 Statewide Plan. 


If the Committee does not wish to conclude its discussion and take action on the plan, discussion could continue in April, with action recommended that month.


Attachment 1 is a staff summary of Chapters III, IV, and V of the CUNY Plan.  Attachment 2 is the staff review of the plan provided to the Committee in February.  Attachment 3 is the complete CUNY Master Plan.


Over the period of the 2004 Master Plan, CUNY’s enrollment grew by 9.5 percent.  Enrollment of Black students grew by only 1.9 percent; however, enrollment of Hispanic students grew by 16.2 percent and of Native American students, by 27.7 percent.  Enrollment of Asian students grew by 24.7 percent; that of White students by only 1.4 percent.  At nearly half the student body, the proportion of CUNY’s students who were Black, Hispanic, or Native American did not change between 2003 and 2007.


Focusing on undergraduates, the number of first-time freshmen grew by 21.4 percent between 2003 and 2007.  Black first-time freshman enrollment grew by 16 percent, Hispanic first-time freshman enrollment by 34 percent, and Native American first-time freshman enrollment by 25.6 percent.  Asian first-time freshman enrollment increased by 36.6 percent and White first-time freshman enrollment by 5.5 percent.  In 2003, Black, Hispanic, and Native American students were 54.2 percent of all first-time freshmen; in 2007, they were 55.9 percent.


In general, the Department finds the 2008-2012 CUNY Master Plan consistent with the 13 priorities in the Regents Statewide Plan for Higher Education. The Plan is ambitious and focuses on creating access and success to higher education, meeting the pressing need of its commitment for education and health care professionals and extending STEM-related research and programs to better serve the needs of the City, State and nation.







It is recommended that the Board of Regents approve The City University of New York Master Plan, 2008-2012 and incorporate it into the Statewide Plan for Higher Education.


Timetable for Implementation


If the Board approves the CUNY Master Plan (in whole or in part, with or without conditions), it will be recommended to the Governor for approval, as required by Section 6206(3) of the Education Law.



Attachment 1





              The City University of New York Master Plan, 2008-2012 is in five chapters:


  • Toward 2012: Core Academic Priorities,
  • Enhancing the Learning Environment,
  • Empowering Our Students for Success,
  • Rebuilding our Campuses, and

V.          Toward 2012: Serving the City.


This part of the Summary addresses the Plan’s last three chapters.


CUNY states that the new master plan builds on the reforms and initiatives accomplished under the 2000 and 2004 master plans and that it advances:


  • Adherence to high standards of teaching, scholarship, and service;
  • Accountability and assessment of every aspect of CUNY’s mission;
  • Engaging students who have not traditionally been served by higher education;
  • Supporting a growing population through innovative colleges, schools, and programs;
  • Prioritizing a seamless education from preschool through college, including smooth transitions between community and baccalaureate colleges;
  • Meeting evolving workforce training and economic development needs; and
  • Maintaining a historic commitment to “academic excellence and to the provision of equal access and opportunity for students, faculty and staff from all ethnic and racial groups and from both sectors [Section 6201 of the Education Law].”


III.           Empowering Our Students for Success.  Chapter III addresses quality of education and services and the needs of veterans and other categories of students.


              Since its creation in 2001, enrollment in the Macaulay Honors College (MHC) program has grown from an inaugural class of 189 to a four-year population of over 1,200.  For admission to the Class of 2012, CUNY received 3,846 applications for 350 seats, including applications from pupils at such selective schools as the Bronx High School of Science and Stuyvesant High School.  MHC faculty will be encouraged to adopt use of advanced media and interactive teaching.  Upper division courses will make use of such techniques as on-line discussion groups and videoconferencing.  Funding will be sought to enable MHC students to take advantage of semester-long study abroad.  MHC will focus on internships and create a professional development center for career services and for graduate study.


Across all colleges, CUNY strives for academic excellence through its Coordinated Undergraduate Education (CUE) system, which drew together such programs as Summer Immersion, Coordinated Freshman Writing, Writing Across the Curriculum, Academic Support, and Faculty Development Grants.  CUE Directors at the colleges annually prepare CUE plans that are included in the Performance Management Process, implemented, and assessed.  Over the next four years, CUE will focus on CUNY’s Campaign for Student Success, the scholarship of teaching and learning (as noted above), University-wide efforts to improve transfer and articulation, and maximizing the potential of academic technology.


Since 2003, CUNY’s General Education project has engaged faculty, students, and administrators in revising the colleges’ general education requirements.  Representatives of all 17 colleges came together to define the ways in which general education is conceived and practiced and to support individual campus work.  Over the next four years, the project will focus on the role of teaching in general education and its effect on learning.  By 2012, each college will have an oversight structure for sustained attention to general education through curriculum development, innovative teaching, faculty development, and first-year students’ academic experiences.


Other efforts identified in this part of the Plan include Strengthening Entry Experiences through Summer and First-year Programs (formerly University Summer Immersion Programs), Writing Across the Curriculum, Integrating Mathematics Across the Curriculum, and Globalizing Undergraduate Education.  Over the next four years, Summer Programs will focus on instruction, testing, and orientation, increased use of cohort learning groups, and expanded tutoring services.  Writing Across the Curriculum efforts will focus on articulating goals for student writing and communicating them to students, faculty, and administrators. The Integrating Mathematics Across the Curriculum effort will use innovative teaching to bolster student self-confidence and success in doing quantitative work.  Globalizing Undergraduate Education will seek to increase the number of students who incorporate study and/or work abroad into their degree programs, foster awareness and appreciation of other countries and cultures, and facilitate collaboration across campus directors of international education.


CUNY will increase efforts to encourage and assist students in applying for and receiving prestigious scholarships.  In the area of mental health counseling, it will increase accessibility, improve responses, and establish a referral system.  CUNY will put into practice best practices to assist veterans in returning to civilian life, establish veterans’ centers on each campus, create student leadership opportunities for veterans, develop protocols for the needs of veterans with disabilities and female veterans, and help integrate veterans into the larger CUNY community.  To serve students and faculty with families, CUNY will increase the number of nationally accredited child-care centers and secure the space needed to meet the needs of new centers.  To meet the needs of students with disabilities, CUNY will conduct a comprehensive Americans with Disabilities Act needs assessment, partner with the Dormitory Authority to develop short and long-range plans to remediate barriers, and seek funding both for capital projects and for staffing campus disability services offices.


The Plan also proposes efforts to educate students as leaders, strengthen co-curricular experiences, and provide student health services and career services.



The SEEK and College Discovery (CD) opportunity programs will focus on enhancing student performance, providing 21st century co-curricular tools and increasing international learning opportunities for SEEK and CD students, and increasing alumni participation.  It will continue to develop a SEEK/CD student progression from associate to baccalaureate to master’s to doctoral degrees.


IV.          Rebuilding Our Campuses.  The Master Plan states that CUNY’s most critical capital need is to upgrade and improve facilities to meet 21st century demands.  It provides an overview of the 2008-2012 Capital Budget Request and the 2008-09 State appropriations for CUNY’s capital budget.  Projects include both new facilities and rehabilitation and repair of existing facilities at the colleges.  It notes the ability of some colleges to attract private gifts for facility purposes, including the MHC building and Queens College’s Kupferberg Center for the Arts.


CUNY will exercise leadership in areas of sustainability.  Each campus will develop a campus sustainability plan that will contribute to a cumulative reduction in CUNY’s carbon footprint by 30 percent by 2017, in accordance with the Mayor’s PlaNYC goals.  This will require efforts in the areas of energy, operating efficiency, curriculum and faculty development, procurement, fleet management, waste and recycling, communication, and professional development.


V.          Towards 2012: Serving the City.  The final chapter addresses New York City’s needs for teachers and for nurses and other health workers, CUNY’s Language Immersion Program and immigration services, and other aspects of CUNY’s role as a City institution.


              CUNY offers programs in nursing ranging from those preparing LPNs to a Doctor of Nursing Science (D.N.S.) program.  The Plan reviews the colleges’ initiatives to expand nursing education but notes that many nursing programs lack the capacity to accept all qualified applicants.  The Master Plan states that fast-track nursing programs for the most qualified students will be piloted.  A CUNY-wide clearinghouse will be established to facilitate transfer of highly qualified students from overcrowded programs to those seeking to increase clinical enrollments.  In partnership with the health care industry, CUNY will assist recent graduates to grow in their profession.


              In teacher preparation, the Plan notes that about 2,000 CUNY students annually take the LAST examination for teacher certification, with a 98 percent pass rate.  Over the next four years, CUNY will seek increased national recognition of its programs.  It states that such recognition is a necessity if some of the pressing problems of urban education are to be addressed.  It will continue to invest in teacher preparation partnerships with the New York City Department of Education; review and, where warranted, strengthen existing institutes and centers related to teacher education; continue to improve both the qualifications of entering teaching candidates, their graduation rates, and their performance on teacher certification examinations; improve data collection and management systems that allow the colleges to monitor the impact of their student teachers and graduates on pupil learning; and identify campus centers of excellence in teaching, research, and clinical practice.  It will align pre-service and professional development opportunities with the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.  It will develop on-line courses to meet the needs of in-service teachers.


              In the area of workforce development CUNY will continue to develop career pathway programs to start entry-level workers on career tracks, assist mid-level workers to advance, and enable experienced workers to keep up with changing practices in their fields.  It also will emphasize the development of relationships between non-credit programs and academic departments and encourage colleges to articulate continuing education workforce courses with degree programs.

Attachment 2




This review relates the Plan to the Regents Priority areas in the Statewide Plan:


A. Maximizing Success for all Higher Education Students

B. Smooth Student Transition from PreK – 12 to Higher Education

C. Meeting New York’s Needs through Graduate Programs and through Research

D. Qualified Professionals for Every Community throughout the State

E. A Balanced and Flexible Regulatory Environment to Support Excellence.


A.          Maximizing Success for all Higher Education Students.


The Plan reaffirms CUNY’s commitment to access and equal opportunity, as noted above.  The following table shows the racial/ethnic distribution of enrollment at CUNY during the period of the 2004-2008 Master Plan:


Racial/Ethnic Distribution of Total Undergraduate, First-Professional Degree, and Graduate Enrollment, The City University of New York, Fall 2003 – Fall 2007



















Native American






Asian/Pacific Islander












Non-Resident Alien












Source: NYSED, Higher Education Data System, 2008.


              Over the five years, CUNY’s enrollment has grown by 20,249 students (9.5 percent).  Enrollment of Black students grew by 1,104 (1.9 percent); Hispanic students by 7,924 (16.2 percent); and Native American students by 80 (27.7 percent).  Enrollment of Asian students grew by 5,968 (24.7 percent); that of White students by 940 (1.4 percent).  At nearly half the student body, the proportion of CUNY’s students who were Black, Hispanic, or Native American did not change between 2003 and 2007.


                  Admissions.  The Plan does not propose any changes to admission policies.  The CUNY admissions policy evaluates applicants using the following criteria:

  • College admissions average [GPA in academic courses in high school]
  • Number of academic courses completed in high school
  • High school English units and grades
  • High school Math units and grades
  • Combined SAT or ACT score (for four year programs)


An applicant can apply to up to six CUNY colleges on the University admission application.  All applicants who hold high school diplomas (U.S. or foreign) or GEDs are accepted for admission to CUNY through one of the community colleges.  Individual senior colleges make their own admission decisions.  Some senior colleges receive larger number of applications than others and may be more selective in their admission decisions.  Some may “compete” for individual applicants.


              Once accepted by a senior college, an applicant for baccalaureate study must demonstrate readiness, either in terms of Regents ELA and Math exam scores, SAT or ACT scores, or scores on CUNY’s own Freshman Skills Assessment Tests.  Applicants who do not demonstrate readiness may take remedial course without charge during the summer or winter term preceding admission, without charge.  Applicants who come close to demonstrating readiness may be admitted through CUNY’s Prelude to Success program in which the student matriculates at one of the community colleges and takes community college courses at a senior college.


Racial/Ethnic Distribution of First-Time Freshman Enrollment

The City University of New York, Fall 2003 – Fall 2007



















Native American






Asian/Pacific Islander












Non-Resident Alien












Source: CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment, 2008.


              Focusing only on undergraduates, the number of first-time freshmen (full- and part-time) grew by 5,856 (21.4 percent) between 2003 and 2007.  Black first-time freshman enrollment grew by 1,162 (16.0 percent), Hispanic first-time freshman enrollment, by 2,557 (34.0 percent), and Native American first-time freshman enrollment, by 11 (25.6 percent).  Asian first-time freshman enrollment increased by 1,289 (36.6 percent) and White first-time freshman enrollment grew by 462 (5.5 percent).  In 2003, Black, Hispanic, and Native American students were 54.2 percent of all first-time freshmen; in 2007, they were 55.9 percent.


              Toward 2012: Core Academic Priorities.  The Master Plan begins by addressing strengthening CUNY as an “integrated university” as well as its individual colleges.  To do so it will emphasize coordination and interinstitutional collaboration while seeking administrative economies and working with the State and City to obtain financing.


The Plan also addresses hiring full-time faculty.  During 2008-2012, CUNY will seek to hire additional full-time faculty in line with the goal of the Commission on Higher Education (“rebuild CUNY and SUNY faculty ranks by strategically hiring an additional 2,000 full-time faculty from diverse backgrounds, including 250 eminent scholars, over the next five years”) to reverse the erosion of staffing from 1973 to 1999.  To do so, it will pursue a “cluster hiring initiative” (which focuses on hiring faculty in specific disciplines and professions) that will foster interdisciplinary teaching by disciplinary faculty.  The new faculty also will support the Macaulay Honors College program.


New Instructional Initiatives.  CUNY plans to add at least three more on-line baccalaureate programs, through the School of Professional Studies, over the next four years.  Individual colleges also will develop on-line programs.  The number of on-line and hybrid courses will increase.  CUNY plans to develop a University support center for technology-enhanced teaching and learning that will provide links to model projects and foster community and faculty dialog.  It intends to expand the assignment of Instructional Technology Fellows (who are graduate students) to all colleges to facilitate faculty and student use of technology.  A new interinstitutional Academic Technology Task Force will make recommendations to deepen CUNY’s use of technology.


CUNY expects to invest further in programs, facilities, and curricula in the fine arts over the next four years.  Fast-track nursing programs for the most qualified students will be piloted.  In the area of workforce development CUNY will continue to develop career pathway programs to start entry-level workers on career tracks, assist mid-level workers to advance, and enable experienced workers to keep up with changing practices in their fields.  It also will emphasize the development of relationships between non-credit programs and academic departments and encourage colleges to articulate continuing education workforce courses with degree programs.


At the master’s degree level, CUNY will focus on professional programs, such as those offered through the school of journalism and the proposed CUNY-wide school of public health at Hunter College, and will investigate the feasibility of establishing a school of pharmacy.  Baruch, City, John Jay, Medgar Evers, and York colleges will introduce or expand enrollment in professionally oriented master’s degree programs, including programs in new Regents-licensed professions.


Enhancing Academic Excellence.  To enhance teaching by its faculty, CUNY is participating in a Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and will expand the work now underway by creating a network of teacher-scholars and administrators concerned with teaching and learning.  Over the next four years, the network will facilitate a working group of directors of teaching and learning centers; hold annual grant competitions to fund faculty inquiry groups in the areas of general education, Writing Across the Curriculum, the first year experience, and the STEM disciplines; support the work of the Provost’s Advisory Council; and develop a digital commons to document research and scholarship on teaching and learning.


To enhance academic advising, over the next four years CUNY will promote continuity of advising from entrance through graduation, reassert the faculty’s role in advising, invest in campus advising staff, and focus on advising for evening and weekend students.  It will evaluate the efficacy of academic counseling efforts over the same period.


The Plan also sets forth efforts CUNY will make to educate students as leaders, strengthen co-curricular experiences, and provide student health services and career services.  CUNY expects its new Enterprise Resource Planning system, CUNY FIRST (Fully Integrated Resources and Services Tool), to improve delivery of services to students and faculty on every campus.  Over the next four years, CUNY’s libraries will expand their expedited request and delivery service from books to journal articles from any college’s library.  The libraries will work with classroom faculty to integrate library resources with Blackboard, CUNY’s on-line course management system.  Libraries will assess the information literacy of CUNY students and certify to major employers in the City that students have met CUNY’s information literacy goals by graduation.


Across all colleges, CUNY strives for academic excellence through its Coordinated Undergraduate Education (CUE) system, which drew together such programs as Summer Immersion, Coordinated Freshman Writing, Writing Across the Curriculum, Academic Support, and Faculty Development Grants.  CUE Directors at the colleges annually prepare CUE plans that are included in the Performance Management Process, implemented, and assessed.  Over the next four years, CUE will focus on CUNY’s Campaign for Student Success, the scholarship of teaching and learning (as noted above), University-wide efforts to improve transfer and articulation, and maximizing the potential of academic technology.


Since 2003, CUNY’s General Education project has engaged faculty, students, and administrators in revising the colleges’ general education requirements.  Representatives of all 17 colleges have come together to define the ways in which general education is conceived and practiced and to support individual campus work.  Over the next four years, they will focus on the role of teaching within general education and its effect on learning.  By 2012, each college will have an oversight structure for sustained attention to general education through curriculum development, innovative teaching, faculty development, and the academic experiences of first-year students.


Other efforts identified in this part of the Plan include Strengthening Entry Experiences through Summer and First-year Programs (formerly University Summer Immersion Programs), Writing Across the Curriculum, Integrating Mathematics Across the Curriculum, and Globalizing Undergraduate Education.  Over the next four years, Summer Programs will focus on instruction, testing, and orientation, increased use of cohort learning groups, and expanded tutoring services.  Writing Across the Curriculum efforts will focus on articulating goals for student writing and communicating them to students, faculty, and administrators.  The Integrating Mathematics Across the Curriculum effort will use innovative teaching to bolster student self-confidence and success in doing quantitative work.  Globalizing Undergraduate Education will seek to increase the number of students who incorporate study and/or work abroad into their degree programs, foster awareness and appreciation of other countries and cultures, and facilitate collaboration across campuses directors of international education.


CUNY will increase efforts to encourage and assist students in applying for and receiving prestigious scholarships.  In the area of mental health counseling, it will increase accessibility, improve responses, and establish a referral system.  CUNY will put into practice best practices to assist veterans return to civilian life, establish veterans’ centers on each campus, create student leadership opportunities for veterans, develop protocols for the needs of veterans with disabilities and female veterans, and help integrate veterans into the larger CUNY community.  To serve students and faculty with families, CUNY will increase the number of nationally accredited child-care centers and secure the space needed to meet the needs of new centers.


Macaulay Honors College. Since its creation in 2001, enrollment in the Macaulay Honors College (MHC) program has grown from an inaugural class of 189 to a four-year population of over 1,200 (who are matriculated at several senior colleges).  CUNY received 3,846 applications for 350 seats in the Class of 2012, including applications from pupils at such selective schools as the Bronx High School of Science and Stuyvesant High School.  Faculty will be encouraged to adopt use of advanced media and interactive teaching.  Upper-division courses will use such techniques as on-line discussion groups and videoconferencing.  Funding will be sought to enable MHC students to take advantage of semester-long study abroad.  MHC will focus on internships and create a professional development center for career services and graduate study.


Articulation and Transfer.  To further remove barriers to transfer among colleges, over the next four years CUNY will review existing articulation agreements in terms of clarity and effectiveness and encourage colleges to develop more 2+2 arrangements.  A new faculty-driven Collaborative Syllabus Initiative will seek to develop consensus on the essential design of general education and pipeline courses and to make model syllabi available for faculty adaptation.  An interinstitutional articulation and transfer task force will seek ways to further streamline and simplify the process, with implementation beginning in the spring of 2009 and completion by the spring of 2012.


Programs to Close the Performance Gap.  In the fall of 2007, more than two-thirds of the students admitted to senior colleges through the SEEK program and to community colleges though the College Discovery (CD) program were Black or Hispanic.  These opportunity programs will focus on enhancing student performance, providing 21st century co-curricular tools and increasing international learning opportunities for SEEK and CD students, and increasing alumni participation.  CUNY will continue to develop a SEEK/CD student progression from associate to baccalaureate to master’s to doctoral degrees.


The Plan addresses the Black Male Initiative (introduced in 2004).  It consists of efforts to assist under-represented populations to overcome inequalities that lead to poor K-12 performance; weak higher education enrollment, performance, and graduation; and disproportionately high unemployment and incarceration.  The efforts focus primarily on outreach and mentoring to improve recruitment and retention.  Though targeted at Black men, the Initiative’s projects do not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, national origin, or other characteristics; all programs are open to all eligible CUNY students.


Students with Disabilities.  To meet the needs of students with disabilities, CUNY will conduct a comprehensive Americans with Disabilities Act needs assessment, partner with the Dormitory Authority to develop short and long-range plans to remediate barriers, and seek funding both for capital projects and for staffing campus disability services offices.  It will continue its partnership with VESID to improve employment outcomes for CUNY graduates with disabilities.




B.          Smooth Student Transition from PreK – 12 to Higher Education.


Under “A Seamless Education in New York,” the Plan addresses pre-collegiate endeavors, collaborative programs and college preparedness; transitions between high school and college; and articulation and transfer between colleges.  CUNY will expand its collaborative programs, including College Now, the Middle Grades Initiative, and Early College high schools, and seek additional opportunities to expand dual enrollment opportunities.  School teachers and college faculty will co-plan and co-teach new courses in both high schools and colleges.  College Now will continue working with New Visions for Public Schools to improve understanding of college preparedness and to increase the likelihood of success at CUNY of graduates of New Century Schools.


C.          Meeting New York’s Needs through Graduate Programs and through Research.


Decade of Science.  The Plan addresses development of a University School of Public Health at Hunter College and Decade of Science (2005-2015) activities.  Decade of Science efforts include: building a research-active, grant-funded faculty in STEM fields, continuing efforts set in the 2004 Master Plan to construct and refurbish science facilities on campuses and in the CUNY-wide Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC), enhancing the research environment to take advantage of infrastructure improvements, investing in doctoral student support (which the Commission on Higher Education recommended), and training the next generation of math and science teachers for the City schools, through CUNY’s Teacher Academy and campus efforts.


To build a research-active faculty, CUNY will continue cluster hiring in STEM disciplines over the next four years and add a new hiring cluster in cyberinfrastructure.  In addition to the ASRC, construction projects include new and refurbished science buildings at Brooklyn, City, Hunter, John Jay, Lehman, Medgar Evers, and Queens Colleges and a new academic building for New York City College of Technology, among other capital efforts.


The Plan cites activities underway to enhance the research environment, including appointment of a Vice Chancellor for Research, expansion of CUNY’s Higher Performance Computing facility (located at the College of Staten Island), and strengthening CUNY’s new Technology Commercialization Office.


Teacher Academy.  The Teacher Academy, which operates at Brooklyn, City, Hunter, Lehman, Queens, and York Colleges and the College of Staten Island, focuses on preparing teachers in the STEM fields who have majors in biology, chemistry, earth science, mathematics, or physics.  It has launched programs for associate degree students at Borough of Manhattan, Hostos, and Queensborough Community Colleges; their students will transfer to City, Lehman, or York College, respectively, after two years.  Teacher Academy students receive four years of paid tuition and fees, paid internships in middle and high schools, small classes, dedicated advisors and tutors and a dedicated Teacher Academy space, and placement in selected middle and high schools for four years of observation, study, and practice.  In exchange the students agree to teach in a New York City public school for at least two years following graduation.  The Plan calls for CUNY to assess the Teacher Academy’s progress, including student achievement and resource allocation, over the next four years.


D.          Qualified Professionals for Every Community throughout the State.


              Nursing.  CUNY offers programs in nursing ranging from those preparing LPNs to a Doctor of Nursing Science (D.N.S.) program.  The Plan reviews the initiatives taken by the colleges to expand nursing education but notes that many nursing programs lack the capacity to accept all qualified applicants.  It states that fast-track nursing programs for the most qualified students will be piloted. A CUNY-wide clearinghouse will be established to facilitate transfer of highly qualified students from overcrowded programs to those seeking to increase clinical enrollments.  In partnership with the health care industry, CUNY will assist recent graduates to grow in their profession.


              Teaching.  In teacher preparation, the Plan notes that about 2000 CUNY students annually take the LAST examination for teacher certification, with a 98 percent pass rate.  Over the next four years, CUNY will seek increased national recognition of its programs.  It states that such recognition is a necessity if some of the pressing problems of urban education are to be addressed.  It will continue to invest in teacher preparation partnerships with the New York City Department of Education; review and, where warranted, strengthen existing institutes and centers related to teacher education; continue to improve both the qualifications of entering teaching candidates, their graduation rates, and their performance on teacher certification examinations; improve data collection and management systems that allow the colleges to monitor the impact of their student teachers and graduates on pupil learning; and identify campus centers of excellence in teaching, research, and clinical practice.  It will align pre-service and professional development opportunities with the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.  It will develop on-line courses to meet in-service teachers’ needs.


Other Professional Graduate Programs. CUNY will focus on professional master’s degree programs, such as those offered through the school of journalism and the proposed CUNY-wide school of public health at Hunter College, and will investigate the feasibility of establishing a school of pharmacy.  Baruch, City, John Jay, Medgar Evers, and York Colleges will introduce or expand enrollment in professionally oriented master’s degree programs, including programs in new Regents-licensed professions.  Some professionally oriented programs will be offered on line.


E.          A Balanced and Flexible Regulatory Environment to Support Excellence.


Accountability.  The Plan emphasizes the Performance Management Process through which CUNY has since 2001 set annual goals based on the goals of the Master Plan, with the colleges then setting their own annual goals against which performance is measured.  Compensation for administrators is tied to the results of the annual reviews.  CUNY sees PMP as a process that enables it to set clear priorities, focus on outcomes rather than activities, and recognize outstanding performance.


Facilities.  The Plan states that upgrading and improving facilities to meet 21st century demands is CUNY’s most critical capital need.  It provides an overview of the 2008-2012 Capital Budget Request and the 2008-09 State appropriations for CUNY’s capital budget.  Projects include both new facilities and rehabilitation and repair of existing facilities.  It notes some colleges’ ability to attract private gifts for facilities, including the MHC building and Queens College’s Kupferberg Center for the Arts.


CUNY will exercise leadership in areas of sustainability.  Each campus will develop a campus sustainability plan that will contribute to a cumulative reduction in CUNY’s carbon footprint by 30 percent by 2017, in accordance with the Mayor’s PlaNYC goals.  This will require efforts in the areas of energy, operating efficiency, curriculum and faculty development, procurement, fleet management, waste and recycling, communication, and professional development.




