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Meeting of the Board of Regents | January 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010 - 9:50am

Report of



The Board of Regents

January 11, 2010


Your EMSC/VESID Committees held a joint meeting on January 11, 2010.   All members were present with the exception of Regent Rosa and Regent Cohen who were excused.                                        


              The Committee discussed a proposal to establish a new Certificate that would document a student’s level of achievement towards the State learning standards, with specific information in the areas of career development, integrated learning and universal foundation skills.              The Committee supported staff developing a policy framework to address the eligibility for the Certificate, the criteria for its award and the timeframe for replacing the IEP diploma.  Particular concerns were raised regarding putting safeguards in place to ensure that the Certificate was not used in place of a regular diploma for students with and without disabilities who should be expected to receive and be ensured full access to all preparation for a regular diploma.

              Staff will proceed with the development of the credential and return to the Committee in the fall 2010 for further discussion.


That concludes our report.