Meeting of the Board of Regents | July 2007
Elementary, Middle, Secondary and Continuing Education
Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals With Disabilities
Higher Education and Professional Practice
Commissioner's Report for January 2008
Summary of the January 2008 Meeting
- Proposed Amendment to the Regulations of the Commissioner Relating to Local High School Equivalency Programs HTML/Word
- Development of an Enhanced School Accountability System HTML/Word
- Design for the Career and Technical Education Five-Year State Plan (Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006) HTML/Word
- Sixth Emergency Adoption of the Proposed Amendments to the Regulations of the Commissioner Relating to Contracts for Excellence HTML/Word
- Proposed Amendment to the Regulations of the Commissioner Relating to Analysis of Average Interest Rates Applied to Capital Debt Incurred by the City of New York for School Purposes HTML/Word
- Charter Schools: Proposed Charter for The Equity Project Charter School HTML/Word
- Charter Schools: Proposed Charter for the St. Hope Leadership Academy Charter School HTML/Word
- Sankofa Charter School Proposed First Renewal Charter HTML/Word
- Charter Schools: Proposed Charter for PAVE Charter School HTML/Word
- Charter Schools: Proposed Charter for the Mott Haven Academy Charter School HTML/Word
- Issuance of Initial Charter for the La Cima Charter School HTML/Word
- Charter School Proposed First Renewal Charter for KIPP S.T.A.R. College Prep Charter School HTML/Word
- Charter Schools: Proposed Charter for the Green Dot New York Charter School HTML/Word
- Charter Schools: Proposed Charter for The Ethical Community Charter School HTML/Word
- Enterprise Charter School's Proposed First Renewal Charter HTML/Word
- Charter Schools: Proposed Charter for the Dream Charter School HTML/Word
- Charter Schools: Proposed Charter for Brooklyn Ascend Charter School HTML/Word
- Charter Schools: Proposed Charter for the Bronx Community Charter School HTML/Word
- Charter School Proposed First Renewal Charter for Bronx Charter School for Excellence HTML/Word
- Charter School Proposed First Renewal Charter for Bronx Charter School for Better Learning HTML/Word
- Charter Schools: Proposed Charter for the Achievement First Brownsville Charter School HTML/Word
- Charter Schools: Proposed Charter for Voice Charter School HTML/Word
- Proposed Initial Charter for the True North Troy Preparatory Charter School HTML/Word
- Issuance of Initial Charter for the Rochester Academy HTML/Word
- Brighter Choice Charter School for Boys Charter School Revision HTML/Word
- Brighter Choice Charter School for Girls Charter School Revision HTML/Word
- Albany Preparatory Charter School Proposed Revision HTML/Word
- Achievement Academy Charter School Proposed Revision HTML/Word
- New Covenant Charter School Proposed Revision HTML/Word
- Charter Schools: Proposed Charter for the Collegiate Charter School HTML/Word
- Sankofa Charter School Proposed First Renewal Charter HTML/Word
- Charter Schools: Proposed Charter for the Harlem Success Academy Charter School IV HTML/Word
- Charter Schools: Proposed Charter for the Harlem Sucess Academy Charter School II HTML/Word
- Charter Schools: Proposed Charter for the Harlem Success Academy Charter School III HTML/Word
- Charter Schools:Proposed Charter for Carl C. Icahn Charter School Far Rockaway HTML/Word
- Proposed Amendment to the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Relating to the 2004 Reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act HTML/Word
- The Temporary Task Force on Preschool Special Education Created by Article VII of the 2007-08 State Budget HTML/Word
- Provision of Special Education Services to Students with Disabilities Who Are Home Schooled HTML/Word
- Proposed Amendment to the Rules of the Board of Regents Relating to the Requirement that Health Professionals Wear an Identifying Badge HTML/Word
- Authorization to Award D.N.P. Degree: State University of New York at Stony Brook HTML/Word
- Report of the Committee on the Professions Regarding Licensing Petitions HTML/Word
- Appointments and Reappointments of Members to the State Boards for the Professions; and Reappointment of Extended Member to the State Boards for the Professions for Service on Licensure Disciplinary and/or Licensure Restoration and Moral Character Panels HTML/Word
- Proposed Amendment to the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Relating to the Continuing Education Requirement for Dentists HTML/Word
- Proposed Amendment to the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Relating to the Licensing Examination for Veterinary Technicians HTML/Word
- Associate Commissioner's Report HTML/Word
- Preliminary Report of the New York State Commission on Higher Education HTML/Word
- Authorization of Degree-Granting Powers Following a Change in Ownership and Control and Change in Main and Branch Campus Designations: Long Island Business Institute (LIBI) HTML/Word
- State Professional Standards Board for Teaching - Priorities for 2007-2008 HTML/Word
- Proposed Amendment to Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Relating to Requirements for Educational Leadership Programs and Examinations HTML/Word
Public Library and Public Television Early Literacy Partnerships - "Bridging the Achievement Gap" Proposal HTML/Word
Regents State Aid Proposal Update HTML/Word
Board of Regents Oversight - Financial Accountability: HTML/Word