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Report of Regents Cultural Education Committee to The Board of Regents

Regent Roger Tilles, Chair of the Cultural Education Committee, submitted the following written report. Your Committee on Cultural Education Committee had its scheduled meeting on October 22, 2013.

In attendance were committee members: Regents Tilles, Dawson, Bendit, Rosa Cea, Jackson Cottrell, and Brown. In addition to CE Committee Members, in attendance were:  Chancellor Tisch, Vice Chancellor Bottar, Regents Cashin, Chapey, Norwood and Phillips as well as Executive Deputy Commissioner Beth Berlin.


Chair’s Remarks: Regent Tilles welcomed everyone and opened the meeting.  

Deputy Commissioner Jeff Cannell welcomed Carol Brown and a group of BOCES Arts in Education Coordinators who attended the meeting.

Report on Archives Month Activities 
October is Archives Month throughout the United States.  State Archivist Christine Ward reported on activities statewide that increase awareness of archives and the preservation of historical records.  There are over 100 events scheduled during the month of October.  Regent Tilles requested that the list of events be sent to all of the members of the Board so that they might be able to participate when possible.
New Directions for Local Government Records Management Grants
Christian G. Sampson of the Local Government Records Advisory Council (LGRAC) reviewed the current status of the Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund grants to local governments.  He cited the increased use of digital technology to create records and discussed LGRAC’s recommendations for a change in the grant program to respond to the challenge of digital records. Sampson provided details on an analysis by LGRAC and plan for ensuring that the records management grants program remains current with the needs of local governments across the state and ensures the continued high impact of the program.  He indicated that a significant amount of money will be dedicated for large-scale demonstration grants that will provide models for managing electronic records, resulting in fewer, but larger records management grants that will continue to make the local government records management grants program relevant and useful.

Update on Museum Accreditation
Mark Schaming, Director of the State Museum, provided an update on the process and progress of the Museum’s efforts to receive formal accreditation from the American Alliance of Museums.  He indicated that the Board of Regents will be asked to review and approve several policy documents during the next 12-18 months as the Museum moves through the accreditation process.

Focus Presentation on Ichthyology Collection, Research and Education Activities 
Jeremy Wright, Museum Scientist 3 and Curator of Ichthyology reported on the collection and research activities of the Museum’s Ichthyology collection.  Dr. Wright highlighted the value of the collection in areas such as the study of invasive species, impact of human development and the evolution of species over time. 

Associated Agenda Item

Meeting Date: 
Tuesday, October 22, 2013 - 10:25am
