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Report of Regents Professional Practice Committee to The Board of Regents

The Professional Practice Committee held its scheduled meeting on March 13, 2023.  All members were present except Vice Chancellor Josephine Victoria Finn, who was excused. Chancellor Lester W. Young, Jr., Regent Roger Tilles, Regent Kathleen M. Cashin, Regent Luis O. Reyes, Regent Susan W. Mittler, Regent Shino Tanikawa, and Regent Adrian I. Hale also attended the meeting, but did not vote on any action. 


Professional Discipline Cases [PCC EXS (A) 1-3]

The Committee recommends that the reports of the Regents Review Committees, including rulings, findings of fact, determinations as to guilt, and recommendations, by unanimous or majority vote, contained in those reports which have been distributed to you, be accepted in 3 cases.  In addition, your Committee recommends, upon the recommendation of the Committee on the Professions, that 13 consent order applications and 6 surrender applications be granted.

In the case of Paul Anthony White, Massage Therapist, Cal. No. 32562, submitted Application to Surrender License be deemed amended; that the calendar number in this matter be corrected to Calendar Number “32814” in lieu of Calendar Number “32562” wherever such latter Calendar Number was stated in the February 14, 2023 determination of the Board of Regents, and otherwise to remain effective as was provided in the February 14, 2023 determination of the Board of Regents and corresponding Vote and Order of the Deputy Commissioner for the Professions.

These recommendations are made following the review of 22 cases involving four licensed practical nurses, three certified public accountants, three registered professional nurses, two chiropractors, two dentists, two pharmacists, one audiologist, one psychologist, one registered professional nurse who is also certified as a nurse practitioner in Family Health, one respiratory therapy technician, and one veterinarian.


The Professional Practice Committee recommends, and we move, that the Board of Regents act affirmatively upon each recommendation in the written report of the Committee's deliberations at its meeting on March 13, 2023, copies of which have been distributed to each Regent.


Proposed Amendment of Section 29.15 of the Rules of the Board of Regents and Sections 79-9.6, 79-10.6, 79-12.6 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Relating to Mental Health Practitioners’ Diagnostic Privilege [PPC (D) 1] - Department staff presented for discussion proposed amendments to clarify the requirements for issuance of the privilege to diagnose and create assessment-based treatment plans to qualified mental health counselors, marriage and family therapists, and psychoanalysts, licensed and registered under the Education Law. The proposed amendments will implement requirements established in Chapter 230 of the Laws of 2022 that allow the Department to issue the privilege, beginning June 24, 2024. Although the Department cannot issue the privilege until June 24, 2024, the proposed regulations will clarify for licensees seeking the privilege specific education and experience requirements and allow timely compliance. 

Deputy Commissioner Sarah Benson reviewed the items on the Consent Agenda.

Associated Agenda Item

Meeting Date: 
Monday, March 13, 2023 - 2:50pm