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Report of Regents Adult Career and Continuing Education Services (ACCES) Committee to The Board of Regents

Your Adult Career and Continuing Education Services (ACCES) Committee held its scheduled meeting on February 12, 2018.  All members were present, with the exception of Regent Cashin and Regent Norwood, who were excused.


Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Combined State Plan 2-Year Update – Your committee recommends that the Board of Regents approve the 2-year update of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Combined State Plan.  The update to this Plan reports on progress, and identifies strengths and challenges.  Within the ACCES-VR component, the most significant change for the updated Plan is replacement of the comprehensive needs assessment data.  In 2017, Cornell University conducted a new needs assessment and the results of that project have replaced the old information.  As appropriate, other outdated data was replaced to reflect 2017 information.  For the Adult Education component, WIOA Title 2 funds will be competitively rebid, reflecting new instructional approaches such as integrated education and training and career exploration.  For the first time, applications will be reviewed by New York’s 33 Local Workforce Development Boards for alignment with their dedicated plans that address access and service to out-of-school youth and adults who are basic skills deficient in literacy or English Language or lack a High School Equivalency diploma.  Every funded program will have a single point of contact for workforce referrals and establish career pathways. 

With the support of the Board of Regents, ACCES will continue to identify opportunities to improve and expand collaboration with partners in the workforce development system.


Madam Chancellor and Colleagues: Your ACCES Committee recommends, and we move, that the Board of Regents act affirmatively upon this recommendation in the written report of the Committee's deliberations at its meeting on February 13, 2018, copies of which have been distributed to each Regent. 

Associated Agenda Item

Meeting Date: 
Monday, February 12, 2018 - 11:35am