Report of Regents P-12 Education/Higher Education Joint Meeting Committee to The Board of Regents
Your P-12 Education and Higher Education Committees held their scheduled meeting on April 8, 2019. All members were present.
Perkins V State Plan Development [P-12/HE (D) 1] – the Committee was provided with an update on the development of New York State’s Perkins V Plan as required in the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 as amended by the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act of 2018. Efforts are underway in the development of New York’s one-year transition plan, due to the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) on May 24, 2019. The transition plan will outline priority areas to be developed in consultation with general and career and technical educators, child welfare, workforce development, business and industry groups, and other community stakeholders. After consultation with these groups, the New York Perkins V Four-Year Plan will be developed for submission to USDE in the Spring 2020. Staff will provide data to the Regents as requested.
Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Related to Requiring Study in Language Acquisition and Literacy Development of English Language Learners in Certain Teacher Preparation Programs and in the Individual Evaluation Pathway to Certification for Certain Certificate Titles [P-12/HE (D) 2] – the Commissioner discussed regulations related to requiring study in language acquisition and literacy development of English language learners in certain teacher preparation programs and in the individual evaluation pathway to certification for certain certificate titles. The proposed regulations require teacher preparation programs in certain subject areas to provide at least three semester hours of study in language acquisition and literacy development of ELLs and at least three semester hours of study in language acquisition and literacy development of all students. The total required semester hours on language acquisition and literacy development would remain the same at six semester hours in §52.21. However, this revision ensures that at least three of the currently required six semester hours in language acquisition and literacy development are dedicated to the language acquisition and literacy development of ELLs. It is anticipated that the proposed amendment will be presented to the Board of Regents for adoption at its September 2019 meeting.