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Report of Regents Higher Education Committee to The Board of Regents

Your Higher Education Committee held its scheduled meeting on April 23, 2013.


Legislative Proposal Relating to the Fingerprinting Process for Education Certification and Employment and Emergency Adoption of Proposed Amendment to Section 83.4 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Relating to Moral Character.  It is recommended that the Board of Regents approve development of the proposed legislation related to fingerprinting in accordance with this item to be transmitted to the Legislature for this legislative session.   Also the Board approved that a new paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of section 83.4 be added to the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, as submitted, as an emergency action effective April 23, 2013, upon a finding by the Board of Regents that such action is necessary for the preservation of the general welfare to immediately expedite the procedures in good moral character proceedings for revocation or other action against the teaching certificates of teachers and school administrators who commit a crime involving the submission of false information or fraud related to their criminal history record checks in order to ensure the protection and safety of the children and faculty of the schools in this State.  The proposed amendment will become effective on April 23, 2013 and will be presented to the Board of Regents at the July Regents meeting for adoption as a permanent rule. 


Madam Chancellor and Colleagues:  Your Higher Education Committee recommends, and we move, that the Board of Regents act affirmatively upon each recommendation in the written report of the Committee’s deliberations at its meeting on April 23, 2013, copies of which have been distributed to each member of the Board of Regents.

Other matters not requiring action:

Panel on Teacher Preparation Programs.  Your Committee held a discussion related to teacher preparation programs. A panel consisting of members of the higher education community discussed topics related to their programs and provided insights from their experience as we consider new approaches to teacher preparation for the future.

School Building Leader Qualifications and Certification.  Your Committee discussed program requirements for candidates wishing to become school building leaders and whether or not to consider a change in the requirements. Your Committee also heard a presentation which provided an update on the new certification examinations for SBL candidates. The exam was revised to include practice based skills such as data driven instruction, and to include more performance tasks, including a teacher observation task. 

Associated Agenda Item

Meeting Date: 
Tuesday, April 23, 2013 - 8:30am
