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Meeting of the Board of Regents | November 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010 - 8:50am

Report of

Strategic Planning Workgroup


The Board of Regents

November 16, 2010


The Chief Operating Officer, Valerie Grey updated the Workgroup on workforce reduction.  

Due to the State's fiscal crisis and a directive to reduce our workforce by 153 FTEs by December 31, 2010, SED will be laying off 46 employees at the end of the year. This number reflects adjustments for early retirements, other separations and attrition. SED's workforce will have been reduced by 431 FTEs, or 13.5%, since 2008. Given the significant decline in our workforce, the services SED provides will be affected.

Approximately half of the reductions will be in our Office of Cultural Education (OCE). As a result, the State Museum will be open six days per week, closing on Sundays starting January 2, 2011. Other changes will include eliminating administrative support and eventually closing Archives Regional offices as well as centralizing OCE chartering activities.

As nearly one-quarter of the reductions will be in our Office of Management Services, cleaning services, security, and mail delivery services will be reduced in our buildings. The remaining reductions will be implemented throughout the Agency.

Impacted employees will receive notification by the end of this week and our Office of Human Resources Management (OHRM) will be available to answer any questions raised by impacted employees.  OHRM is also arranging meetings for impacted employees with the Department of Labor and Department of Civil Service.