Meeting of the Board of Regents | November 2010
Your Higher Education Committee held its scheduled meeting on November 16, 2010. All members were present with the exception of Chancellor Emeritus Bennett.
Continuation of Regents Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs: Pratt Institute. On the basis of the institution’s March 12, 2010 response to the Focused Visit Team Report and the August 15, 23, and September 1 appeal documents received, which provide evidence that the Institute has addressed all areas for improvement and that elements in the plan of action have been achieved as of fall 2010 semester, your Committee recommends that the Regents extend accreditation of the teacher education programs offered by Pratt Institute at the Brooklyn and Manhattan campuses, effective November 16, 2010, for a period beginning immediately and ending on December 31, 2013, with the following conditions:
- that Pratt submit annual reports to the State Education Department with respect to the 27 areas for improvement cited in the Compliance Review Report demonstrating continuing compliance with RATE accreditation;
- that Pratt undergo a follow-up site visit to be conducted before November 16, 2011 and that such site visit shall indicate continuing compliance with Regents Rules, including specific confirmation that:
- the Institute can verify that all teacher education programs are in compliance with the related sections of the Commissioner’s Regulations, including faculty credentials, teaching assignment, teaching loads, and sufficiency of full-time faculty;
- the majority of education courses are being taught by qualified full-time faculty;
- the Institute continues to document Art and Design and Library Media Specialist program assessment of candidates’ achievement and graduate effectiveness and demonstrates how data Inform program improvements; and
- all 27 areas for improvement cited in the Focused Visit Review Report continue to be fully satisfied.
Accreditation beyond November 16, 2011 shall be contingent on a finding that Pratt’s teacher education programs are in all respects in compliance with Regents Rules, Subpart 4-2.
Petition for removal of trustees of Polytechnic University. Approved the proposed decision declining to hold a hearing to remove the trustees of Polytechnic University pursuant to Education Law Section 226(4) and dismisses the removal petition in its entirety.
Madam Chancellor and Colleagues: Your Higher Education Committee recommends, and we move, that the Board of Regents act affirmatively upon each recommendation in the written report of the Committee’s deliberations at its meeting on November 16, 2010, copies of which have been distributed to each Regents.
Regents 2011 Legislative Proposals. The Committee discussed the Regents Legislative Proposals for 2011.
2011 Regulatory Agenda. The Committee discussed the 2011 Regulatory Agenda.
Strategic Vision and Goals. The Committee discussed the strategic vision and goals document.