February 2010
Report of
The Board of Regents
February 9, 2010
Your Professional Practice Committee held its scheduled meeting on February 9, 2010. All Committee members were present except for Vice Chancellor Milton L. Cofield who was excused.
Professional Discipline Cases
Your Committee recommends that the report of the Regents Review Committee, including rulings, findings of fact, determinations as to guilt, and recommendation, by unanimous vote, contained in that report which has been distributed to you, be accepted in 1 case. In addition, your Committee recommends, upon the recommendation of the Committee on the Professions, that 21 consent order applications and 4 surrender applications be granted. [PPC EXS (A) 1-3]
In the case of Anthony P. Derrico, Physical Therapist Assistant, Calendar No. 24909, we recommend that wherever the phrase “physical therapy assistant” is used in the application for consent order in this matter, such phrase be deemed corrected and be deemed to read “physical therapist assistant”.
These recommendations are made following the review of 26 cases involving six licensed practical nurses, five registered professional nurses, two certified public accountants, two pharmacists, one chiropractor, one dentist, one licensed practical nurse who is also a registered professional nurse, one massage therapist, one pharmacy, one physical therapist assistant, one podiatrist, one respiratory therapy technician, one veterinarian, and one veterinary technician.
Restoration Petitions
Voted, that section 6 of the Terms of Probation imposed pursuant the May 16, 2007 order of the Commissioner of Education in the Application of Olga Benitez for restoration of her license to practice as a physician in the State of New York be modified to read as follows:
6. That the applicant, during the period of probation, shall practice medicine only as a salaried physician under supervision in an Article 28 facility, or in another public or private setting, approved by the Director, Office of Professional Medical Conduct, under such supervision as may be approved by the Director, Office of Professional Medical Conduct.
[PPC EXS (A) 4]
Voted, that the Board of Regents stay the surrender of the certified public accountant license of Jeffrey Alan Schwartz, and place him on probation for a period of two years under specified terms and conditions. Mr. Schwartz’ license was originally surrendered July 18, 2002. [PPC EXS (A) 5]
Madam Chancellor and Colleagues: Your Professional Practice Committee recommends, and we move, that the Board of Regents act affirmatively upon each recommendation in the written report of the Committee's deliberations at its meeting on February 9, 2010, copies of which have been distributed to each Regent.
Your Committee discussed several topics of interest, including:
- Deputy Commissioner’s Report -- Frank Muñoz updated the Committee members on various OP issues, including: staffing, budget hearings, clinical social work law, and key legislation. [Oral Report]
- Implementation of the OP’s Technology Initiatives – Staff reported on recent discussions and decisions regarding the “E Licensing Enterprise Solution,” communications initiatives intended to migrate frequently asked questions and answers on licensure and practice from live contacts to a Web Based program, and other technology projects to enhance the efficiency of OP and improve the services it provides to the public. [PPC (D) 1]
That concludes my report.
Harry Phillips, 3rd, Co-Chairperson
Archived materials include the agenda and associated materials for each meeting, and a detailed summary posted at the conclusion of the meeting.