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February 2010


The Honorable the Members of the Board of Regents


Frank Munoz


Appointment to the Committee on the Professions


January 26, 2010


Goal 3






Issue for Decision (Consent Agenda)

              Should the Board of Regents approve the appointment of Lawrence P. De Mers, Director of the Division of Professional Licensing Services, to the Committee on the Professions?

Reason(s) for Consideration

              Required by Rules of the Board of Regents

Proposed Handling

              The question will come before the full Board at its February 2010 meeting where it will be voted on and action taken.


Procedural History


Part 24 of the Rules of the Board of Regents establishes the Committee on the Professions and requires the appointment of members by the Board of Regents.

Background Information

The Committee on the Professions (COP) was established by the Board of Regents to assist the Board in supervising admission to and regulation of the licensed professions.  Composed of three Department officers designated by the Board, the COP considers atypical licensure cases wherein applicants seek to meet given requirements by submitting credentials that are the substantial equivalent in scope and content to those normally presented.  The COP also makes final determinations concerning questions of moral character for purposes of initial licensure; hears and makes recommendations to the Regents concerning requests for restoration of a professional license that has been revoked or surrendered; and reviews and makes recommendations to the Regents on proposed penalties in Consent Orders related to professional misconduct.

Several current COP members have recently left the Department.  As a result, it has become more difficult to plan meetings of the COP for which the requisite 3-member panel must be selected.  In October 2009, the Board of Regents approved Gayle Bowden’s appointment to serve on COP, but additional Committee members continue to be needed because of the busy schedules of all of the current members.  Accordingly, I am recommending the addition of Lawrence P. De Mers, Director of the Division of Professional Licensing Services, to the roster of COP members (attached).  Mr. De Mers has expressed interest in participating in the licensing and disciplinary processes by serving on the COP, and would be a valuable addition to the Committee.


              VOTED: that the Board of Regents approve the attached roster of the Committee on the Professions, effective February 9, 2010.

Timetable for Implementation



Committee on the Professions


Roster of Members

(Effective February 9, 2010)


Robert G. Bentley, Assistant Commissioner, Office of Teaching Initiatives

Gayle Bowden, Director, Office of Human Resources Management

Jeffrey Cannell, Deputy Commissioner for Cultural Education

Rebecca H. Cort, Deputy Commissioner for Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities

Lawrence P. De Mers, Director of the Division of Professional Licensing Services

Steven M. Earle, Director of the Office for Diversity, Ethics and Access

Joseph P. Frey, Deputy Commissioner, Office of Higher Education

Stanley S. Hansen, Jr., Executive Coordinator, Office of K-16 Initiatives and Access Programs

Frank Munoz, Deputy Commissioner, Office of the Professions

Erin O’Grady-Parent, Acting Counsel and Deputy Commissioner for Legal Affairs

Leslie Templeman, Director of Management Operations, P-12


Archived materials include the agenda and associated materials for each meeting, and a detailed summary posted at the conclusion of the meeting.