Meeting of the Board of Regents | June 2009
TO: |
Full Board |
Johanna Duncan-Poitier
Proposed Amendment of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Relating to Supplementary Certificates and Supplementary Bilingual Education Extensions for Certificates in the Classroom Teaching Service and Pupil Personnel Service
June 9, 2009
Issue for Decision (Consent Agenda)
Should the Board of Regents amend sections 80-2.9, 80-4.3 and 80-5.18 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, relating to the sunset date for supplementary certificates and requirements for a supplementary bilingual education extension for certificates in the classroom teaching service and pupil personnel service?
Reason(s) for Consideration
Review of policy.
Proposed Handling
The proposed amendment is being presented to the Board of Regents for permanent adoption at the June 2009 Regents meeting. Supporting materials for the proposed amendment are available upon request from the Secretary to the Board of Regents.
Procedural History
The proposed amendment was discussed at a joint meeting of the Higher Education Committee and the EMSC Committee at the April 2009 Regents meeting. A Notice of Proposed Rule Making was published in the State Register on April 8, 2009.
Background Information
Supplementary Certificate Sunset
In December 2004, the Board of Regents adopted an amendment to the Commissioner's Regulations that established a supplementary certificate in the classroom teaching service. The purpose of the amendment was to create a practical mechanism to encourage the movement of experienced teachers in subject matter areas of oversupply to subject matter areas of demand while ensuring the readiness of participating teachers to assist students in achieving the State learning standards.
In order to qualify for a supplementary certificate, a candidate must hold a classroom teaching certificate, complete 12 semester hours (in most titles) in the content core of the new certificate title, and pass the Content Specialty Test in the subject of the certificate sought. The supplementary certificate also requires the employing school district to verify that, as a condition for employment, the teacher is enrolled in study at an institution of higher education leading to the certificate sought. The district must also verify the district's agreement to provide the teacher working under the Supplementary certificate with appropriate support to ensure the maintenance of quality instruction for students.
In establishing the supplementary certificate, the Regents included a sunset date of September 1, 2009, in order to provide the Education Department with the opportunity to assess the use of and need for, the supplementary certificate over the first five years. A decision must now be made either to renew the availability of the supplementary certificate or to let its availability expire on September 1.
Since its inception, the Office of Teaching Initiatives has issued 693 supplementary certificates. To date, 184 of these individuals have earned an initial certificate in the new certificate title. An additional 165 have submitted applications for an initial certificate in the new certificate title, or are in process of submitting an application. The remaining 343 holders of a supplementary certificate have not yet applied for an initial certificate, however, only 28 of these holders have a supplementary certificate that has expired; the rest remain valid.
At the April Regents meeting, staff discussed the continuing shortages of classroom teachers in certain certificate titles (including but not limited to mathematics, the sciences and special education) and in certain geographic areas. Due to these continuing shortages, the proposed amendment removes the sunset date and continues the availability of the supplementary certificate. Though not issued in large numbers, we believe these certificates have proven effective in addressing shortages in schools and provide for a transition from areas of oversupply into shortage areas.
Supplementary Bilingual Education Extension
One of the most persistent shortages is in the area of bilingual education, both in general and special education, as well as in school support services (school psychology, school social work, etc.). For this reason, we are proposing establishing a supplementary bilingual education extension to create an additional pathway for teachers and pupil personnel service professionals to achieve certification in this shortage area.
Available data for 2006-2007 indicate that:
- 28 percent of all full-time equivalent (FTE) bilingual teaching assignments in general education were held by teachers without an appropriate extension.
- 19 percent of all FTE bilingual teaching assignments in special education were held by teachers without appropriate certification.
The Department issues a small number of bilingual education extensions each year. For the past four years, between 600 and 800 bilingual extensions have been issued annually. The number of individuals enrolling in registered bilingual programs, many in Intensive Teacher Institute (ITI) programs, remains modest and the demand continues to exceed the supply of teachers certified through this pathway. We believe that establishing a supplementary bilingual education extension offers an additional pathway that would be attractive to practicing teachers in a variety of subjects as well as pupil personnel professionals who may be interested in providing bilingual education instruction.
The supplementary bilingual education extension would allow a teacher, school psychologist, school social worker, etc., to begin providing bilingual instruction or service with support from their employing school while completing a registered college bilingual extension program. This approach is similar to the graduate internship certificate, which college programs currently use to authorize graduate students to begin teaching under guidance when they are half way through the graduate teacher preparation program.
Applicants for the proposed supplementary bilingual education extension will already hold a valid New York State classroom teaching or pupil personnel certificate; therefore, they will have demonstrated proficiency in English and in the content area of their base certificate. To qualify, they would be required to demonstrate proficiency in the target language. The assessment of proficiency in the target language would be the responsibility of the college at which they are matriculated in a bilingual extension program. To qualify, candidates also would have to have completed study in theories of bilingual education and multicultural perspectives.
Specific requirements for the proposed supplementary bilingual education extension:
- Hold a valid New York State certificate in the classroom teaching service or pupil personnel services.
- Content Core - Bilingual Education - three semester hours of prerequisite coursework, which must include theories of bilingual education and multicultural perspectives.
- Evidence of matriculation in a collegiate registered bilingual extension program, which includes mentoring and supervision by the college or university. While enrolled in the program, candidates will be required to complete at least nine additional semester hours within a three-year period to qualify for a bilingual extension.
- Documentation of proficiency in the target language: college assessment of language proficiency.
- Employment and support commitment while serving under the supplementary bilingual education extension.
A Notice of Proposed Rule Making was published in the State Register on April 8, 2009. No public comment was received. Supporting materials for the proposed amendment are available upon request from the Secretary to the Board of Regents.
It is recommended that the Board of Regents take the following action:
VOTED: That sections 80-2.9, 80-4.3 and 80-5.18 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education be amended, as submitted, effective July 16, 2009.
Timetable for Implementation
The proposed amendment will be presented for adoption at the June 2009 meeting of the Board of Regents. If adopted at the June Regents meeting, the proposed amendment will become effective July 16, 2009.
Pursuant to sections 207, 305, 3001, 3004, and 3006 of the Education Law.
1. A new paragraph (6) is added to subdivision (a) of Section 80-2.9 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, effective July 16, 2009, as follows:
(6) Supplementary bilingual education extension for certificates in pupil personnel services.
(i) Purpose. The purpose of a supplementary bilingual education extension is to authorize a pupil personnel service professional who is currently certified in a title in the pupil personnel service to work as a bilingual pupil personnel service worker where there is a demonstrated shortage, while the pupil personnel service professional is in a matriculated program at an institution of higher education leading to an extension in bilingual education.
(ii) Limitations. The supplementary bilingual extension shall be valid for three years from its effective date and shall not be renewable. A supplementary bilingual education extension shall also be limited to employment with an employing entity.
(iii) Requirements. To be eligible for a supplementary bilingual education extension, a candidate shall meet the following requirements:
(a) Application. The candidate shall apply for the supplementary bilingual education extension and upon application qualify for the supplementary bilingual education extension.
(b) Certification. The candidate shall hold a valid provisional or permanent certificate in a pupil personnel service identified in Subpart 80-2 of this Part.
(c) The candidate shall be matriculated in a registered program leading to a bilingual education extension, provided that such program must require the candidate to pass an assessment of proficiency in the language of the bilingual education extension sought as a condition for entry into the program.
(d) Education. The candidate shall have completed coursework as prescribed in this subparagraph. The candidate shall have achieved at least a C or its equivalent in any undergraduate level course and at least a B- or its equivalent in any graduate level course submitted to meet the coursework requirements of this subparagraph.
(1) The candidate shall have completed three semester hours in bilingual education as prescribed in the requirements for a bilingual education extension, set forth in section 80-2.9 of this Part, including study in theories of bilingual education and multicultural perspectives.
(2) A statement shall be submitted by the Chancellor, in the case of employment with the City School District of the City of New York; or by the superintendent, in the case of other employing boards; or by the chief school officer, in the case of employment with another entity required by law to employ certified pupil personnel professionals certifying that:
(i) the employing entity seeks to employ the candidate in a position in a certificate title in the pupil personnel service with a demonstrated shortage of certified pupil personnel professionals with an extension in bilingual education;
(ii) the employing entity will require, as a condition of employment under the supplementary bilingual education extension, the candidate's matriculation in a program at an institution of higher education leading to a bilingual extension; and
(iii) the employing entity will provide appropriate support to the candidate undertaking an assignment with a supplementary bilingual education extension to ensure the maintenance of quality instruction for such candidate.
2. A new paragraph (4) is added to subdivision (a) of Section 80-4.3 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, effective July 16, 2009, as follows:
(4) Supplementary bilingual education extension for certificates in the classroom teaching service.
(i) Purpose. The purpose of a supplementary bilingual education extension is to authorize a teacher who is currently certified in a title in the classroom teaching service to teach bilingual English language learners where there is a demonstrated shortage, while the teacher is matriculated in a program at an institution of higher education leading to an extension in bilingual education.
(ii) Limitations. The supplementary bilingual extension shall be valid for three years from its effective date and shall not be renewable. A supplementary bilingual education extension shall also be limited to employment with an employing entity.
(iii) Requirements. To be eligible for a supplementary bilingual education extension, a candidate shall meet the following requirements:
(a) Application. The candidate shall apply for the supplementary bilingual education extension and upon application qualify for the supplementary bilingual education extension.
(b) Certification. The candidate shall hold a valid provisional, initial, permanent, or professional certificate in a title in the classroom teaching service identified in Subpart 80-2 or 80-3 of this Part.
(c) The candidate shall be matriculated in a registered program leading to a bilingual extension of a certificate as a teacher in the classroom teaching service, as prescribed in section 52.21(b)(4), provided that such program must require the candidate to pass an assessment of proficiency in the language of the bilingual education extension sought as a condition for entry into the program.
(d) Education. The candidate shall have completed coursework as prescribed in this subparagraph. The candidate shall have achieved at least a C or its equivalent in any undergraduate level course and at least a B- or its equivalent in any graduate level course submitted to meet the coursework requirements of this subparagraph.
(1) The candidate shall have completed three semester hours in bilingual education as prescribed in the requirements for a bilingual extension, set forth in section 80-4.3 of this Part, including study in theories of bilingual education and multicultural perspectives.
(2) A statement shall be submitted by the Chancellor, in the case of employment with the City School District of the City of New York; or by the superintendent, in the case of other employing boards; or by the chief school officer, in the case of employment with another entity required by law to employ certified teachers certifying:
(i) the employing entity seeks to employ the candidate in a position in a certificate title in the classroom teaching service with a demonstrated shortage of certified teachers with an extension in bilingual education;
(ii) the employing entity will require, as a condition of employment under the supplementary condition bilingual extension, the candidate's matriculation in a program at an institution of higher education leading to a bilingual extension; and
(iii) the employing entity will provide appropriate support to the candidate undertaking an assignment with the supplementary bilingual education extension to ensure the maintenance of quality instruction for such candidate.
3. Subdivision (c) of section 80-5.18 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective July 16, 2009, as follows:
(c) Requirements. To be eligible for a supplementary certificate, a candidate shall meet the requirements in each of the following paragraphs:
(1) Application. The candidate shall apply for the supplementary certificate [by September 1, 2009,] and upon application qualify for the certificate, in a certificate title in the classroom teacher service for which there is a demonstrated shortage of certified teachers as determined by the department.