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Meeting of the Board of Regents | June 2008

Wednesday, June 4, 2008 - 11:00pm

sed seal                                                                                                 







Frank Muñoz





Proposed Amendment to the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Relating to the Professional Study, Experience, Examination and Endorsement Requirements for Licensure as an Architect



June 4, 2008


Goal 3









Issue for Discussion


              Should the Regents amend sections 69.1, 69.2 and 69.3 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education relating to the professional study, experience, examination and endorsement requirements for licensure as an architect?


Reason(s) for Consideration


Review of Policy.


Proposed Handling


The proposed amendment is before the Professional Practice Committee for discussion in June 2008 and will be submitted for action at the September 2008 Regents Meeting.






Procedural History


              A Notice of Proposed Rule Making will be published in the State Register on June 18, 2008.  Supporting materials for the proposed amendment are available upon request from the Secretary to the Board of Regents.


Background Information


              The purpose of the proposed amendment is to align the New York State requirements for admission into the Architect Registration Examination (ARE) with national standards and to modify the endorsement provisions to conform to current practice.

Traditionally, an applicant for licensure with a bachelor’s degree or higher in architecture was required to work for a three year period prior to taking the ARE.  Recently, the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards voted to allow applicants to take the ARE concurrently with experience gained in the Intern Development Program (IDP).  The architecture boards of several states have followed suit. 


Currently, applicants for licensure in architecture enroll in the IDP to satisfy the experience requirement for licensure. The proposed amendment enables applicants to take the licensing examination upon completion of the requirements for admission to the examination while enrolled in the IDP.  In addition to the education requirements and passage of the ARE, applicants will still be required to complete the experience requirement prior to licensure.


The proposed regulation also amends the endorsement requirements for applicants licensed in another jurisdiction prior to 1983 seeking to obtain licensure in New York State.  The proposed amendment only applies to architects licensed in another jurisdiction prior to 1983 who took only the professional examination in effect at that time.  The proposed amendment eliminates the requirement for these applicants to pass a practical examination satisfactory to the State Board for Architecture.  Instead, these candidates will need to present evidence to the State Board for Architecture of at least five years of satisfactory experience in the seven years immediately preceding the granting of a license in New York.  As an alternative to such experience, these endorsement applicants may continue to complete those parts of the licensing examination not previously passed.






Timetable for Implementation


The effective date of the proposed amendment is October 9, 2008.





              Pursuant to sections 207, 6506, 6507, and 7304 of the Education Law. 

1.  Section 69.1 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective October 9, 2008, as follows.

§ 69.1 Professional study [of] and experience requirements for architecture.

(a)  Definition.  Unless otherwise provided, acceptable accrediting agency means an accrediting agency which is recognized by the United States Commissioner of Education as a reliable authority for the purpose of accreditation at the postsecondary level, and which applies its criteria for granting accreditation in a fair, consistent and nondiscriminatory manner.

(b)  Licensure requirement To meet the professional education and experience requirements [for admission to the examination,] for licensure as an architect in this State, the applicant shall submit evidence of either:

(1)(i)  graduation from a professional program in architecture registered by the department, accredited by an [accrediting organization acceptable to the department] acceptable accrediting agency, or determined by the department to be the equivalent of a registered or accredited program; and

(ii) . . .

(iii) . . .

(2) . . .

(b) . . .

2.  Section 69.2 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective October 9, 2008, as follows:

§ 69.2  Licensing examinations.

(a) …

(b)  …

(c) …

(d)  Admission to examination.  To meet the professional education and experience requirements for admission to the licensing examination, an applicant shall submit evidence of completion of either:

(1)(i)  graduation from a professional program in architecture registered by the department, accredited by an acceptable accrediting agency as defined in section 69.1 of this Part, or determined by the department to be the equivalent of a registered or accredited program; and

(ii)  receipt of the degree of bachelor of architecture or master of architecture, or the equivalent as determined by the department, from a school offering a program which meets the requirements of subparagraph (i) of this paragraph; or

(2)  completion of experience in architectural work acceptable to the State Board for Architecture or a combination of education and experience totaling 9 years which is determined by the department to be the equivalent of the education and experience credit described in section 69.1(b)(1) of this Part.

3.  Section 69.3 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective October 9, 2008, as follows:

§69.3 Endorsement

For endorsement of a license to practice architecture issued by another jurisdiction, the applicant shall present evidence of having met all the requirements of [section] sections 59.6 and 69.1 of this Title; except an architect licensed in another state or jurisdiction as the result of successful completion of only the professional examination in use before 1983 may be granted licensure upon presentation of evidence of [two] at least five years of work experience, provided that such experience occurs following licensure in such state or jurisdiction and occurs within the seven years immediately preceding licensure by endorsement in this State and such experience is of a grade and character satisfactory to the State Board for Architecture [and passage of a practical examination satisfactory to the State Board for Architecture], or upon completion of those parts of the written examination not previously passed.