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Meeting of the Board of Regents | June 2007

Tuesday, June 19, 2007 - 11:00pm

sed seal                                                                                                 






Cultural Education Trusteeship Committee


Jeffrey Cannell 


Program and Budget Priorities for State Archives, Library, and Museum


June 19, 2007


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Issue for Discussion


                The Office of Cultural Education’s proposed budget request for 2008 - 2009 will include several initiatives that impact access and use of cultural education collections.


Reason(s) for Consideration


              An understanding of the collections-related initiatives will help the Regents be better advocates for the proposals.


Proposed Handling


The June meeting will provide an opportunity for the Regents to focus on collections-related initiatives and to request additional information from staff, if necessary.


Procedural History


The Cultural Education Committee regularly considers the full package of programmatic and budgetary priorities of the Office of Cultural Education.  We are focusing specially on collection-related proposals at this meeting.


Background Information


              The Office of Cultural Education’s proposed budget request for 2008 - 2009 will include the following initiatives that relate to access and use of the collections of the State Library, State Museum, State Archives, and Public Broadcasting: 


  • $15 million annually to provide New York State funding for the first time for NOVELNY – the New York Online Virtual Electronic Library.  While NOVELNY is a statewide service, this resource is also a critical part of the online collections of the Office of Cultural Education.


  • $5 million to create learning standards-aligned content with teacher guides, extensive online cultural resources, and interactive flexibility to fit classroom needs using the resources of the New York State Archives, Library, Museum and Public Broadcasting and cultural institutions around the state.


  • $1.2 million annually to extend public hours of the New York State Library and Archives to include Saturdays and evenings.


  • $500,000 funding, rising to $1,500,000 in Year 2, to minimize risk of damage or destruction from natural and manmade disasters to collections and records held by New York's governments and cultural institutions.  This will provide statewide support, but will also provide important protection for the collections of the Office of Cultural Education.


  • $500,000 funding, rising to $750,000 in Year 2 and $1.5 million in Year 3, to develop a program to ensure the long term management, disposition and preservation of state and local government electronic records through a full assessment of the New York’s situation and research into best practices in other states and at the federal level to identify our best options.  This initiative will develop a plan and budget to support electronic records programming to ensure that these important state resources will be preserved for the future.


  • $800,000 in Capital Funding to enable the Office of Cultural Education to replace the existing on-line catalog system with a new integrated system that will support the operational and collection management needs of the library and archives and the education and public access needs of the Library, Archives and Museum. 




The Regents should direct staff to provide any additional information that will be necessary for them to consider in reviewing and approving the budget request.


Timetable for Implementation


              Approval of the Regents budget recommendations for 2008 - 2009 related to the operations of the Archives, Library and Museum will be a part of your approval in September of the overall SED budget request.