[node:field_meeting_type] | May 2005
Higher Education and Professional Practice (HE&PP)
Charter Applications
Appointments to the State Professional Standards and Practices Board for Teaching
Master Plan Amendment: The State University of New York College of Technology at Canton Interinstitutional Program at Onondaga Community College
Appointments and Reappointments of Members to the State Boards for the Professions;Reappointments of Extended Members to the State Boards for the Professions for Service onLicensure Disciplinary and/or Licensure Restoration and Moral Character Panels; andReappointments of Members to the Board for Professional Medical Conduct
Master Plan Amendment: Villa Maria College, Bachelor of Fine Arts Program, Interior Design
Report of the Committee on the Professions Regarding Licensing Petitions
Institutional Accreditation: Globe Institute of Technology
Report on the Public Hearings on the Tentative Statewide Plan for Higher Education, 2004-2012
Report on Institutional Accreditation by the Board of Regents
Regents Authorization for an Institution to Confer a New Degree
Proposed Amendment to the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Relating toRequirements for Provisional Certification in School Psychology by Licensed Psychologists andfor the Interim Bilingual Education Extension for Certificates in School Psychology and Speechand Language Disabilities
Educational Leadership Certification Regulation
Supplemental Application for Business Corporation Consent
Last update