Full Board


Jean C. Stevens


Implementation Plan for the Regents Policy on Early Education for Student Achievement in a Global Community


March 10, 2006


Goals 1 and 2






Issue for Discussion


            Does the implementation plan for the Early Education Policy strategically focus on critical initiatives?


Reason(s) for Consideration


Review of policy.

Proposed Handling


The question will come before the full Board on March 21, 2006.


Procedural History


In January 2006, the Board of Regents adopted a new policy entitled “Early Education for Student Achievement in a Global Community.”  Next actions delineated in that report included submission in March of an implementation plan.


Background Information


The attached dashboard highlights only the most critical strategies for implementing the Board of Regents new policy.  A more detailed work plan to guide the Department’s work has also been developed.  The dashboard approach will allow the Board to easily identify critical activities and benchmark progress.  Also included is a list of key action steps, resources required to implement the action plan and what the Department will use as evidence of the success of implementation efforts.



Since the Regents approval of the early childhood policy in January, the Governor has advanced his budget, hearings before the legislature have taken place and extensive external advocacy has occurred.  It is important to ensure that an implementation plan reflects the Regents strategic initiatives.




We recommend that the Board of Regents reach consensus on the implementation plan and direct staff to proceed with the actions identified.


Timetable for Implementation


The implementation plan proposes a three-year phase in starting in 2006-2007.







Dashboard for Implementation Plan for Early Education Policy


2006-2007 School Year


·        Establish an Early Education Policy Cabinet to serve in an advisory role for implementation of the early childhood policy (#1)

·        Continue strong advocacy to include $99 million to restart prekindergarten programs (#2)

·        Continue strong advocacy for Board of Regents state aid proposal to support statewide implementation of full-day kindergarten (#4)

·        Develop legislative language and work with the Legislature to amend current statute on compulsory school age and full-day kindergarten (#3)

·        Establish an expert panel of researchers and practitioners to guide the development of performance indicators and program evaluation tools to align the State learning standards with curriculum, instruction and assessment (#5)

·        Develop curriculum-based training for parents that outlines strategies to support their child’s academic program (#7)

·        Conduct regional forums on collaboration among SED, school districts and community-based organizations (#8)

·        Expand Reading First online academy to include training on scientifically-based reading research practice and alignment of curriculum, instruction and assessment (#9)

  • Continue discussion on modifying funding for educating preschool children with disabilities in an integrated early childhood classroom (#11)



                                                                                2007-2008 School Year



·        Develop toolkits for parents of infants, toddlers and preschoolers (#1)

·        Continue advocacy for legislative support for statutory changes concerning statewide prekindergarten (#2), compulsory age (#2) and full-day kindergarten (#4)

·        Disseminate information to school districts after legislation is enacted (#3)

·        Revise CR 117 to include improved screening of pre-academic, health and mental health needs of new entrants (#5)

·        Disseminate scientifically-based research strategies to improve the quality of prekindergarten-grade 4 programs (#5)

·        Provide guidance to assist school districts to develop and implement a comprehensive family partnership plan that targets prekindergarten-grade 4 (#7)

·        Work collaboratively with school districts and institutions of higher education to include an emphasis on early childhood education in joint professional development activities (#8)

·        Include prekindergarten and full-day kindergarten as part of a parallel foundation funding formula (#11)



2008-2009 School Year


·        Continue activities from 2006-07 and 2007-08

·        Expand existing technical assistance networks to include early childhood focus (#5)

·        Provide training for school districts on how to implement high quality full-day kindergarten programs (#4)

·        Disseminate guidelines to school districts for implementing the revised CR Part 117 and using results to inform classroom practice (#5)

·        Develop and implement training on cultural competency for all school personnel (#10)


Numbers in ( ) refer to the component of the Policy Statement that action is intended to accomplish.


Key Action Steps


Component  1:  Services for Children Birth to Age Two



Component 2:  Establish Statewide Prekindergarten



Component 3:  Change Compulsory School Age to Five



Component 4:  Full-Day Kindergarten



Component 5:  Strengthen Prekindergarten – Grade 5 Program



Component 6:  Integrated Programs and Services




Component 7:  Family Partnerships:



Component 8:  Interagency Collaboration:



Component 9:  Professional Preparation



Component 10:  Resources of USNY



Component 11:  Fiscal Support




Resources Needed for Implementation


          To successfully complete the implementation plan, the Department will need to use or reallocate resources as well as secure additional resources and legislative authority.  The extent that such resources can be obtained or reallocated will impact the success of the policy and its impact on educational achievement for our youngest students.


Tasks that can be accomplished or are currently being undertaken with current resources:



Tasks that can be accomplished through the use of USNY support:



Tasks that require additional resources to accomplish:



Tasks that require enactment of legislation to accomplish:


Evidence of Success


Successful implementation will be measured by the accomplishment of the following no later than the start of the 2008-2009 school year: