Higher Education and Professional Practice Committee


Johanna Duncan-Poitier





Proposed Amendment to the Rules of the Board of Regents and Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Relating to Requirements for Certification in the Educational Leadership Service


January 25, 2006


Goals 2 and 3









Issue for Discussion


Should the Regents amend section 7.1 of the Rules of the Board of Regents and section 52.21(c) and Subparts 80-2, 80-3, and 80-5 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, relating to requirements for certification in the educational leadership service?


Reason(s) for Consideration


Review of Policy

Proposed Handling


The proposed amendment is before the Committee for discussion in February 2006 and will be submitted for action at the May 2006 Regents meeting.






Procedural History


The initiative to strengthen certification requirements for educational leaders in New York State began with the Commissioner appointing a Blue Ribbon Commission on School Leadership in 1998.  Recognizing that success in achieving learning standards for all students depends upon effective leadership in our schools and school districts, as well as effective teachers and involved parents and caregivers, the Commission was charged with the task of identifying the essential characteristics of effective leaders.  After many months of careful deliberation and consultation with the field, the Commission identified the following essential characteristics:



Next, Department staff, working in consultation with the higher education community, school district administrators, practitioners, and many others, developed revisions to the requirements in college programs that prepare school leaders in Part 52 of Commissioner’s Regulations.   The nine essential characteristics of effective leaders were incorporated into the program requirements.  The Part 52 regulations were designed to provide the required competencies in school leadership to assist colleges in revising their current programs leading to building, district and business leadership certificates while promoting the maximum level of flexibility for individuals and institutions interested in participating in these programs.  In July 2003, the Board of Regents adopted the revisions to Part 52 of Commissioner's Regulations.  


This proposed amendment continues this initiative by strengthening certification requirements in Part 80 of Commissioner's Regulations that candidates must meet in order to be certified as school leaders for service in New York State public schools.  In May 2005, staff presented to this Committee a preliminary draft of this regulation.  After discussion with the Committee, the Deputy Commissioner circulated the preliminary draft of the Educational Leadership Regulations to interested parties in June 2005.  Comments were received during the summer months, and in the fall of 2005, based on the feedback from interested parties, a revised version of the regulations was prepared. The Deputy Commissioner sent this revised draft of the regulations to all interested parties in November 2005.  When these comments were received, staff again evaluated the comments, made additional revisions to the draft regulations resulting in the draft regulations attached as part of this Regents item.   




A Notice of Proposed Rule Making concerning the proposed amendment will be published in the State Register on March 15, 2006.  Supporting materials for the proposed amendment are available upon request from the Secretary to the Board of Regents. 


Background Information


The purpose of the proposed amendment is to strengthen certification requirements that candidates must meet in order to be certified as school building leaders, school district leaders, and school district business leaders for service in New York State public schools.  The amendment will make the following changes, designed to improve the preparation of school leaders in New York State and the management of the State's public schools:


·       Require candidates to complete approved programs to be certified in the educational leadership service, and eliminate the transcript evaluation route to certification in the educational leadership service.  














Timetable for Implementation


The regulation is effective on June 15, 2006.  However, it establishes a transition period for implementing the new certification requirements. The old series requirements will still be applicable to candidates who apply for provisional certification by September 1, 2006 and qualify for the certificate by September 1, 2007, except for candidates who have completed a registered program leading to that certificate who will have until September 1, 2007 to apply and qualify for provisional certification under the old series.  







Current certification requirements for

School Administrator and Supervisor (SAS)

Proposed new certification requirements for School Building Leader (SBL)


For a Provisional certificate – valid for 5 years:

For an Initial certificate – valid for 5 years:


Candidate must:

§       hold a Baccalaureate degree

§       have earned at least 30 semester hours graduate credit (18 semester hours must be in school administration/ supervision)

- Master’s degree not required until Permanent certificate


Transcript evaluation available

Candidate must:

§       hold a Master’s or higher degree, and

§       complete a School Building Leader program registered pursuant to Part 52 (including specified content requirements) or its equivalent.



No transcript evaluation available


Candidate must complete an approved administrative/supervisory internship under the supervision of a practicing school administrator and a representative of a sponsoring institution of higher education (or complete 1 year full time experience as a supervisor/administrator)

Within a registered program,  or its equivalent, the candidate must engage in leadership experiences in schools with students at various developmental levels and socioeconomic backgrounds culminating in a 15 week full time building level leadership experience supervised by a certified building level leader and program faculty (or a substantially equivalent leadership experience)


Candidate must have 3 years experience as a teacher, administrator/supervisor or pupil personnel service provider

Candidate must have 3 years experience as a teacher or pupil personnel service provider


No certification examination

Candidate must pass a New York State School Building Leader Assessment














For a Permanent certificate:

For a Professional certificate – continuously valid subject to professional development requirement in 5 year cycles:


Candidate must complete:

§       2 years of school administrative/ supervisory  experience

Candidate must complete:

§       Additional 3 years of school experience as an educational leader in a public or private PreK-12 setting, including at least one year as a school building leader and mentoring in prescribed cases.


Candidate must hold a Master’s degree

Master’s degree required for Initial certificate (see above)

Professional development

No professional development required

Certificate holders must complete 175 hours of professional development during each 5-year professional development period.







Current certification requirements for School District Administrator (SDA)

Proposed new certification requirements for School District Leader (SDL)



For a Permanent certificate:

For a Professional certificate – continuously valid subject to professional development requirement in 5 year cycles:


Candidate must:

§       hold a Baccalaureate degree, and

§       have earned at least 60 semester hours of graduate credit (24 semester hours must be in school administration/ supervision)


Upon program completion, the candidate must hold a Master’s degree.


Transcript evaluation is available

Candidate must:

§       hold a Master’s or higher degree,

§       complete a School District Leader program registered pursuant to Part 52 (including specified content requirements), or its equivalent, and

§       have earned at least 60 semester hours of graduate credit






No transcript evaluation available


No certification examination

Candidates must pass New York State Assessment for School District Leadership as a condition of program completion


Candidate must complete an approved administrative/ supervisory internship under the supervision of a practicing school administrator and a representative of a sponsoring institution of higher education (or 1 year full time experience as a supervisor/ administrator)

Within a registered program, or its equivalent, the candidate must engage in leadership experiences in districts with students at various developmental levels and socioeconomic backgrounds culminating in a 15 week full time district level leadership experience supervised by a certified school district leader and program faculty  (or a substantially equivalent leadership experience)


Candidate must have 3 years experience as a teacher, administrator/supervisor or pupil personnel service provider

Candidate must have 3 years experience as a teacher, administrator/supervisor or pupil personnel service provider

Exceptionally qualified exception, Screening panel review

The Commissioner may waive the educational and/or experience requirements for an SDA for candidates whose exceptional training and experience are substantially equivalent to the regular requirements

The Commissioner may waive the educational and/or experience requirements for an SDL for candidates whose exceptional training and experience are substantially equivalent to the regular requirements

Professional development

No professional development requirement

Certificate holders must complete 175 hours of professional development during each 5-year professional development period.







Current certification requirements for School Business Administrator (SBA)

Proposed new certification requirements for School District Business Leader (SDBL)




For a Permanent certificate:

For a Professional certificate – continuously valid subject to professional development requirement in 5 year cycles:


Candidate must:

§       hold a Baccalaureate degree, and

§       have earned at least 60 semester hours of graduate credit (24 semester hours must be in school administration/supervision


Upon program completion, the candidate must hold a Master’s degree.


Transcript evaluation available

Candidate must:

§       hold a Master’s or higher degree,

§       complete a School District Business Leader program registered pursuant to Part 52 (including specified content requirements) or its equivalent, and

§       have earned at least 60 semester hours of graduate credit






No transcript evaluation available


No certification examination

Candidates must pass NYS Assessment for School District Business Leadership as a condition of program completion


Candidate must complete an approved administrative/ supervisory internship under the supervision of a practicing school administrator and a representative of a sponsoring institution of higher education (or 1 year full time experience as the chief business official of a school district)

Within a registered program, or its equivalent, the candidate must engage in leadership experiences in districts with students at various developmental levels and socioeconomic backgrounds culminating in a 15 week full time district level leadership experience supervised by a certified school district leader and program faculty (or a substantially equivalent leadership experience)


No experience requirement

No experience requirement

Professional development

No professional development requirement

Certificate holders must complete 175 hours of professional development during each 5-year professional development period.



          Pursuant to sections 207, 210, 305, 3001, 3003, 3004, 3006, 3009, 3010, and 3604 of the Education Law.

1.  Section 7.1 of the Rules of the Board of Regents is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          (a) The commissioner shall make regulations governing the training and certification of all persons requiring certification employed in the public schools of the State.  The certificates issued pursuant to such regulations shall be of the following general classifications:

          (1) certificates for administrative and supervisory and educational leadership service;

          (2) . . .

          (3) . . .

          (4) . . .

          (5) . . .

          (b) The commissioner shall issue a regional credential pursuant to the provisions of section [80.2(s)] 80-5.8 of this Title.

          (c) . . .

          2.  The title of subparagraph (xvii) of paragraph (3) of subdivision (b) of section 52.21 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          (xvii) Alternative classroom teacher certification program.

          3.  Clause (b) of subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (c) of section 52.21 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          (b) Programs shall require candidates to possess a permanent or professional certificate in the classroom teaching service or pupil personnel service, or to demonstrate the potential for instructional leadership based on prior experiences that are evaluated using criteria established by the program and uniformly applied.  Programs shall inform applicants in writing prior to admission that the State Education Department requires for the initial certificate as a school building leader that the candidate shall have successfully completed three years of classroom teaching service and/or pupil personnel service experience in public or non-public schools N-12.

          4.  Clause (b) of subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (3) of subdivision (c) of section 52.21 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          (b) Programs shall require candidates to possess a permanent or professional certificate in the classroom teaching service or pupil personnel service, or to demonstrate the potential for instructional leadership based on prior experiences that are evaluated using criteria established by the program and uniformly applied.  Programs shall inform applicants in writing prior to admission that the State Education Department requires for the professional certificate as a school district leader that the candidate shall have successfully completed three years of classroom teaching service and/or educational leadership service and/or pupil personnel service experience in public or non-public schools N-12.

          5.  Clause (c) of subparagraph (vi) of paragraph (3) of subdivision (c) of section 52.21 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          (c) Candidates shall have completed successfully the [written and performance components of the State assessment in school district leadership] New York State assessment for school district leadership, provided that such assessment is in existence at the time of program completion.

          6.  Subparagraph (vii) of paragraph (3) of subdivision (c) of section 52.21 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is added, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          (vii) Requirements for companion programs in school district leadership not leading to the professional certificate.  Institutions that offer a registered program in school district leadership leading to the professional certificate may have registered a companion program to that program, for students who do not seek certification in New York State, which companion program does not lead to the professional certificate.  The companion program in school district leadership shall require the candidate to meet all requirements prescribed in section 52.21(c) of this Part for a program in school district leadership that leads to the professional certificate, except the requirement that the candidate shall have completed successfully the New York State assessment for school district leadership.

          7.  Subparagraph (iii) of paragraph (4) of subdivision (c) of section 52.21 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          (iii) Requirements for recommending candidates for transitional D certificates.

          (a) The program may recommend that the department issue transitional D certificates to admitted candidates who meet the following requirements:

          (1) . . .

          (2) . . .

          (3) State assessment.  Candidates shall pass the [written component of the State assessment in school district leadership] New York State assessment for school district leadership.

          (b) While serving as a school district leader under a transitional D certificate, candidates shall complete all remaining program requirements, including but not limited to the mentored leadership experience and supervised experience requirement for the professional certificate as a school district leader, as prescribed in subparagraph (vi) of this paragraph.

          8.  Subparagraph (vi) of paragraph (4) of subdivision (c) of section 52.21 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          (vi) [Leadership experiences] Mentored and supervised experience.

          (a) Mentored leadership experience.   Programs shall require candidates to successfully complete one of the following types of mentored leadership experiences:

          [a] (1) . . .

          [b] (2) mentored leadership experiences shall:

          [(1)] (i)  . . .

          [(2)] (ii) . . .

          [(3)] (iii) . . .

          [(c)] (3) the leadership experiences specified in [clause (b) of this subparagraph] subclause (2) of this clause shall occur throughout the program of study.  In addition, they shall culminate in a full-time experience of at least 15 weeks that is structured to provide leadership responsibilities of increasing breadth and depth.

[(d)] (4) alternatively, the leadership experiences specified in [clause (b) of this subparagraph] subclause (2) of this clause may occur in another competency-based format different from that prescribed in [clause (c) of this subparagraph] subclause (3) of this clause provided that the program demonstrates that such format is substantially equivalent to the format prescribed in [clause (c) of this subparagraph] subclause (3) of this clause.

          (b) Supervised experience requirement for the professional certificate.  Programs shall require the candidate to successfully complete the experience requirement for the professional certificate of three years of educational leadership service and/or classroom teaching experience and/or pupil personnel service experience in public or non-public schools N-12, which must include at least one year of service as a school district leader under the transitional D certificate, as prescribed in section 80-5.15(b)(3) of this Title.  Such experience shall include but not be limited to mentored experience as prescribed in clause (a) of this subparagraph and additional experience while under the transitional D certificate needed to meet the experience requirement for the professional certificate as a school district leader.  The program shall provide the candidate with support and supervision while the candidate obtains such additional experience under the transitional D certificate.

          9.  Subparagraph (vii) of paragraph (4) of subdivision (c) of section 52.21 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          (vii) Requirements for program completion and recommendation for the professional certificate as a school district leader.

          (a) The candidate shall meet the following requirements for program completion leading to the professional certificate as a school district leader:

          [(a)] (1) . . .

          [(b)] (2) . . .

          [(c)] (3) Candidates shall have successfully completed the [written and performance components of the State assessment in school district leadership] New York State assessment for school district leadership required for the transitional D certificate.

          (4) Candidates shall have successfully completed the experience requirement for the professional certificate as a school district leader, as prescribed in section 80-5.15(b)(3) of this Title.

          (b) For the candidate to be issued a professional certificate as a school district leader, the program must recommend to the department that the candidate be issued the professional certificate.  In order to be recommended, the candidate must meet the requirements for program completion prescribed in clause (a) of this subparagraph.

          10.  Subparagraph (viii) of paragraph (4) of subdivision (c) of section 52.21 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is repealed, effective June 15, 2006.

          11.  Clause (c) of subparagraph (vi) of paragraph (5) of subdivision (c) of section 52.21 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          (c) Candidates shall successfully complete the [written and performance components of the State assessment for school district business leaders] New York State assessment for school district business leadership, provided that such assessment is in existence at the time of program completion.

          12.  Subparagraph (vii) of paragraph (5) of subdivision (c) of section 52.21 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is added, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          (vii) Requirements for companion programs in school district business leadership not leading to the professional certificate.  Institutions that offer a registered program in school district business leadership leading to the professional certificate may have registered a companion program to that program, for students who do not seek certification in New York State, which companion program does not lead to the professional certificate.  The companion program in school district business leadership shall require the candidate to meet all requirements prescribed in section 52.21(c) of this Part for a program in school district business leadership that leads to the professional certificate, except the requirement that the candidate shall have completed successfully the New York State assessment for school district business leadership.

          13.  The title of Subpart 80-2 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:



          14.  Subdivision (a) of section 80-2.1 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

(a) Application of this Subpart.

(1) Provisional certificates.

          (i) Candidates who apply for provisional teachers' certificates valid for classroom teaching service on or before February 1, 2004, and who upon such application qualify for such provisional certification effective on or before February 1, 2004 shall be subject to the requirements of this Subpart.  Candidates who do not meet [this condition] these conditions shall be subject to the requirements of Subpart 80-3 of this Part, unless otherwise specifically prescribed in this Part.

          (ii) Candidates who apply for the provisional certificate in the title school administrator and supervisor on or before September 1, 2006, and who qualify for such provisional certification on or before September 1, 2007 shall be subject to the requirements of this Subpart.  Candidates who do not meet these conditions shall be subject to the requirements of Subpart 80-3 of this Part, unless otherwise specifically prescribed in this Part.  The requirement that the candidate must apply for the provisional certificate in the title school administrator and supervisor on or before September 1, 2006 shall not apply to a candidate who has completed a program leading to that certificate registered pursuant to Part 52 of this Title.  In that case, the candidate must apply for the certificate on or before September 1, 2007 and also qualify for the certificate on or before September 1, 2007 to be subject to the requirements of this Subpart.

          (2) Permanent certificates.

          (i) Candidates who apply for permanent teachers' certificates in the classroom teaching service shall be subject to the requirements of this Subpart, provided that they have been issued a provisional teacher's certificate in the title for which the permanent certificate is sought and have met all requirements for the permanent certificate on or before February 1, 2004 or while under a provisional certificate that was in effect after that date.  Candidates who do note meet these conditions shall be subject to the requirements of Subpart 80-3 of this Part, unless otherwise specifically prescribed in this Part.

          (ii) Candidates who apply for permanent certificates in the title school administrator and supervisor shall be subject to the requirements of this Subpart, provided that they have been issued a provisional certificate in this title and either have met all requirements for the permanent certificate on or before September 1, 2007 or while under a provisional certificate that was in effect after that date.  Candidates who do not meet these conditions shall be subject to the requirements of Subpart 80-3 of this Part, unless otherwise specifically prescribed in this Part.

(iii) (a) Candidates who apply for permanent certificates in the title school district administrator on or before September 1, 2006, and who qualify for such permanent certification on or before September 1, 2007 shall be subject to the requirements of this Subpart, except in cases prescribed in clause (b) of this subparagraph for which the time period for qualifying for permanent certification is extended.  The requirement that the candidate must apply for the permanent certificate in the title school district administrator on or before September 1, 2006 shall not apply to a candidate who has completed a program leading to that certificate registered pursuant to Part 52 of this Title.  In that case, the candidate must apply for the certificate on or before September 1, 2007 and also qualify for the certificate on or before September 1, 2007 to be subject to the requirements of this Subpart.

(b) Candidates who apply for permanent certificates in the title school district administrator on or before September 1, 2006, and upon application are certified or otherwise authorized by law to serve as school business administrators, are serving as school business administrators, and meet all requirements for the permanent certificate as a school district administrator except the experience requirement, shall have until September 1, 2010 to qualify for the permanent certificate as a school district administrator under the requirements of this Subpart.

(c) Candidates who do not meet the conditions of clauses (a) or (b) of this subparagraph shall be subject to the requirements of Subpart 80-3, unless otherwise specifically prescribed in this Part.

(iv) Candidates who apply for permanent certificates in the title school business administrator on or before September 1, 2006, and who qualify for such permanent certification on or before September 1, 2007 shall be subject to the requirements of this Subpart.  Candidates who do not meet these conditions shall be subject to the requirements of Subpart 80-3 of this Part, unless otherwise specifically prescribed in this Part.  The requirement that the candidate must apply for the permanent certificate in the title school business administrator on or before September 1, 2006 shall not apply to a candidate who has completed a program leading to that certificate registered pursuant to Part 52 of this Title.  In that case, the candidate must apply for the certificate on or before September 1, 2007 and also qualify for the certificate on or before September 1, 2007 to be subject to the requirements of this Subpart.

(3)  . . .

          (4) Candidates who apply for a provisional or permanent [teacher's] certificate valid for pupil personnel service [or administrative and supervisory service] shall be subject to the requirements of this Subpart.

          15.  Paragraph (4) of subdivision (a) of section 80-2.4 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is added, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          (4) The permanent certificate as a school district administrator shall qualify the holder to serve as a school district administrator, school administrator and supervisor, and school business administrator.

          16.  The title of Subpart 80-3 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:



17.  Subdivision (a) of section 80-3.1 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          (a) Application of this Subpart.

          (1) Candidates who apply on or after February 2, 2004 for [teachers] certificates valid for classroom teaching service, and on or after September 2, 2006 for certificates valid for the educational leadership service, shall be subject to the requirements of this Subpart, unless otherwise specifically prescribed in this Part, and except as prescribed in paragraph (2) of this subdivision.

          (2) (i) Candidates who apply for permanent [teachers] certificates in the classroom teaching service shall be subject to the requirements of Subpart 80-2 of this Part, provided that they have been issued a provisional [teacher's] certificate in the title for which the permanent certificate is sought and have met all requirements for the permanent certificate on or before February 1, 2004 or while under a valid provisional certificate that was in effect after that date.

          (ii) Candidates who apply for the permanent certificate in the title school administrator and supervisor shall be subject to the requirements of Subpart 80-2 of this Part, provided that they have been issued a provisional certificate in this title and either have met all requirements for the permanent certificate on or before September 1, 2007 or while under a valid provisional certificate that was in effect after that date.

          (3) Candidates who apply for [teachers'] certificates valid for pupil personnel service [or administrative and supervisory service] shall be subject to the requirements of Subpart 80-2 of this Part.

          18.  Subdivision (c) of section 80-3.2 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          (c) The requirements for extensions or annotations of [teachers'] certificates in the classroom teaching service set forth in Subpart 80-4 of this Part shall be applicable.

          19.  Paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of section 80-3.2 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          (2) The certificate forms for pupil personnel service [, and administrative and supervisory service] shall be the forms prescribed in Subpart 80-2 of this Part.

          20.  Subdivision (e) of section 80-3.2 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          (e) Certificate titles.

          (1) Certificate titles in the classroom teaching service.  Candidates for whom the requirements of this Subpart are applicable, pursuant to the conditions prescribed in section 80-3.1(a) of this Subpart, shall be issued the following certificate titles in the classroom teaching service:

          (i) . . .

          (ii) . . .

          (iii) . . .

          (iv) . . .

          (v) . . .

          (vi)  . . .

          (vii) . . .

          (viii) . . .

          (ix) . . .

          (x)  . . .

          (xi) . . .

          (xii) . . .

          (xiii) . . .

          (xiv) . . .

          (xv) . . .

          (xvi) . . .

          (xvii) . . .

          (xviii) . . .

          (xix) . . .

          (xx) . . .

          (xxi) . . .       

          (xxii) . . .

          (xxiii) . . .

          (xxiv) . . .

          (xxv) . . .

          (xxvi) . . .

          (xxvii) . . .

          (xxviii) . . .

          (xxix) . . .

          (xxx) . . .

          (xxxi) . . .

          (xxxii) . . .

          (xxxiii) . . .

          (xxxiv) . . .

          (xxxv) . . .

          (xxxvi) . . .

          (xxxvii) . . .

          (xxxviii) . . .

          (xxxix) …

          (xl) . . .

          (xli) . . .

          (xlii) . . .

          (xliii) . . .

          (xliv) . . .

          (xlv) . . .

          (xlvi) . . .

          (xlvii) . . .

          (2) The certificate titles issued for pupil personnel service [, and administrative and supervisory service] shall be the titles prescribed in Subpart 80-2 of this Part.

          (3) The certificate, license or credential titles for supplemental school personnel, [teaching in nonregistered evening schools] teachers of adult, community and continuing education, regional credential, and internship certificate shall be those prescribed in Subpart 80-5 of this Part.

          21.  The title of section 80-3.3 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          80-3.3 Requirements for the initial certificate in the classroom teaching service.

          22.  Paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of section 80-3.3 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          (1) Duration.  The initial certificate in the classroom teaching service shall be valid for five years from its effective date.

          23.  Paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of section 80-3.3 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          (2) A candidate with a baccalaureate or higher degree who holds a certificate issued by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards in the title which the department has determined to be equivalent to the title of the initial certificate in the classroom teaching service sought shall be deemed to have met the requirements for such initial certificate prescribed in subdivision (b) or (c) of this section.

          24.  The title of section 80-3.4 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          80-3.4 Requirements for the professional certificate in the classroom teaching service.

          25.  Subdivision (a) of section 80-3.4 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          (a) General requirements.

          (1) Validity of certificate.  The professional certificate in the classroom teaching service shall be continuously valid, provided that the professional development requirement prescribed in section 80-3.6 of this Subpart is met by the professional certificate holder.  The professional certificate holder shall be required to meet such professional development requirement to maintain the continued validity of the professional certificate.

          (2) The candidate shall meet the requirements for the initial certificate in the classroom teaching service for the certificate title sought or the requirements for the transitional C certificate for career changers and others holding a graduate degree or professional degree, as prescribed in section [80-3.5(a)] 80-5.14 of this [Subpart] Part, for the certificate title sought.

          26.  Subdivision (b) of section 80-3.6 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          (b) Mandatory requirement.

          (1) Requirements.

          (i) . . .

          (ii) . . .

          (iii) Requirements for holders of professional certificates in the educational leadership service.  The holder of a professional certificate in the educational leadership service shall be required to complete successfully 175 clock hours of acceptable professional development during the professional development period.

(iv) An individual holding more than one professional certificate in the classroom teaching service and/or educational leadership service shall be required to complete 175 clock hours of acceptable professional development during the five-year professional development period.  An individual holding a level III teaching assistant certificate and one or more professional certificates in the classroom teaching service and/or educational leadership service shall be required to complete 175 clock hours of professional development during the five-year professional development period, unless the individual does not hold a professional certificate during the entire five-year professional development period, in which case the individual shall be required to complete 75 clock hours of professional development during the five-year professional development period.

          (2) . . .

          (3) . . .

          (4) Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph (1) of this subdivision, a holder of a certificate in the classroom teaching service who achieves certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards shall be deemed to have met the professional development requirement, prescribed in this subdivision, for the five-year professional development period in which such national board certification is achieved.

          27.  Paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of section 80-3.6 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          (2) For individuals not regularly employed by an applicable school in New York in a professional development year, acceptable professional development for such year shall be study in the content area of [the] any certificate subject to the professional development requirement held by the individual or pedagogy related to such certificate:

          (i) . . .

          (ii) offered by:

          (a) . . .

          (b) the following entities located in New York State: a school district, a board of cooperative educational services, a teacher resource and computer training center, a leadership academy, [or] a special education teacher resource center, a collective bargaining organization or other organization or association that represents on a regional or statewide basis the interests of individuals holding certificates issued under Part 80 of this Title, or a comparable entity located outside New York State; or

          (c) . . .

          28.  Subparagraph (v) of paragraph (3) of subdivision (h) of section 80-3.6 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          (v) The [professional] certificate holder shall [have the burden of proof to demonstrate] submit evidence documenting that he or she has met the professional development requirement prescribed in this section.

          29.  The title of section 80-3.7 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          80-3.7 Satisfaction of education requirements for certification in the classroom teaching service through individual evaluation.

          30.  Section 80-3.10 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is added, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          80-3.10 Certificates for the educational leadership service.

(a) School building leader.  (Principal, housemaster, supervisor, department chairman, assistant principal, coordinator, unit head and any other person serving more than 25 percent of his or her assignment in any building level leadership position shall hold this certificate.)

(1) Initial certificate.

(i) Validity of certificate.  The initial certificate shall be valid for five years from its effective date.

(ii) Requirements for an initial certificate as a school building leader in the educational leadership service.  The candidate shall meet the requirements in each of the following clauses:

(a) Education.  The candidate shall meet the education requirement by meeting the requirements in one of the following subclauses:

(1) The candidate shall hold a master's or higher degree from a regionally accredited higher education institution or an equivalently approved higher education institution as determined by the department and have successfully completed a program leading to the initial certificate as a school building leader in the educational leadership service registered pursuant to section 52.21(c)(2) of this Title, or its equivalent as determined by the department.

(2) Interstate agreement on qualifications of educational personnel.  The candidate may meet the educational requirement by successfully completing a program of preparation for a school building leader or its equivalent at an institution of higher education approved pursuant to section 3030 of the Education Law, the interstate agreement on qualifications of educational personnel.

(b) Examination.  The candidate shall submit evidence of having achieved a satisfactory level of performance on the New York State assessment for school building leadership.

(c) Experience.  The candidate shall have successfully completed three years of classroom teaching service and/or pupil personnel service experience in public or non-public schools N-12.

(2) Professional certificate.

(i) Validity of certificate.  The professional certificate for school building leaders shall be continuously valid, provided that the professional development requirement prescribed in section 80-3.6 of this Subpart is met by the professional certificate holder.  The professional certificate holder shall be required to meet such professional development requirement to maintain the continued validity of the professional certificate.

(ii) Requirements for the professional certificate as a school building leader in the educational leadership service.   The candidate shall have successfully completed, in addition to the requirements for the initial certificate: three years of school experience in an educational leadership position in public or non-public schools N-12, including at least one year of such experience as a school building leader.  The candidate who completes this requirement in total or part through providing educational leadership service in a school district or board of cooperative educational services in New York State shall be required to participate in a mentored program in the first year of employment, unless the candidate has successfully completed two years of educational leadership service prior to such public school service. 

(b) School district leader.  (Superintendent of schools, district superintendent, deputy superintendent, associate superintendent, assistant superintendent and any other person having responsibilities involving general district-wide administration, except a person serving as a school district business leader, shall hold this certificate.)

(1) Validity of professional certificate.  The professional certificate as a school district leader shall be continuously valid, provided that the professional development requirement prescribed in section 80-3.6 of this Subpart is met by the professional certificate holder.  The professional certificate holder shall be required to meet such professional development requirement to maintain the continued validity of the professional certificate.

(2) Holders of a professional certificate as a school district leader may not serve as a school building leader unless they are certified as a school building leader or school administrator and supervisor under the requirements of Part 80 of this Title and may not serve as a school district business leader unless they are certified as a school district business leader or school business administrator under the requirements of Part 80 of this Title or are otherwise authorized by law to serve as a school district business leader.

(3) Requirements for a professional certificate as a school district leader in the educational leadership service.  The candidate shall meet the requirements of subparagraph (i) of this paragraph or the alternative requirements of either subparagraphs (ii) or (iii) of this paragraph.

(i) The candidate shall meet the requirements in each of the following clauses:

(a) Education.  The candidate shall meet the following education requirements:

(1) The candidate shall hold a master's or higher degree from a regionally accredited higher education institution or an equivalently approved higher education institution as determined by the department; and

(2) either:

(i) have successfully completed a New York State program leading to a professional certificate as a school district leader in the educational leadership service registered pursuant to section 52.21(c)(3) of this Title, or its equivalent as determined by the department.  As part of the program completion requirements, the candidate shall have successfully completed at least sixty semester hours of graduate study, which may include graduate study completed prior to admission to the program, and achieved a satisfactory level of performance on the New York State assessment for school district leadership; or

(ii) have successfully completed an educational leadership program outside of New York State that is equivalent to a program leading to a professional certificate as a school district leader in the educational leadership service registered pursuant to section 52.21(c) (3) of this Title, except for the requirement that the candidate must pass the New York State assessment for school district leadership.  To complete the educational requirement, the candidate must achieve a satisfactory level of performance on the New York State assessment for school district leadership.  The candidate shall have successfully completed at least 60 semester hours of graduate study, which may include graduate study completed outside of the educational leadership program.

(b) Experience.  The candidate shall have successfully completed three years of classroom teaching service and/or educational leadership service and/or pupil personnel service experience in public or non-public schools N-12.

(ii) Alternative route one, the alternative school district leader certification program.  A candidate may qualify for a professional certificate as a school district leader through meeting the requirements in the alternative school district leader certification program for exceptionally qualified persons, as prescribed in section 80-5.15 of this Part.

(iii) Alternative route two, the certification of exceptionally qualified persons through screening panel review.  The Commissioner of Education, at the request of a board of education or board of cooperative educational services, may provide for the issuance of a professional certificate as a school district leader (superintendent of schools) to exceptionally qualified persons who do not meet all of the graduate course or school teaching requirements in subparagraph (i) of this paragraph, but whose exceptional training and experience are the substantial equivalent of such requirements and qualify such persons for duties of a superintendent of schools.  Prior to the appointment of any such individual, the board must obtain the approval of the commissioner.  In its formal request to the department the board must submit its resolution noting approval of the request, the job description, its rationale for requesting such certification of the individual, a statement identifying the exceptional qualifications of the candidate, the individual's completed application for certification, vitae and official transcripts of collegiate study.  The certificate, if issued, will be valid only for service in the district making the request.  The commissioner will refer the materials submitted by the board to a screening panel consisting of representatives of the department and appropriate educational organizations for review and advice.

(c) School district business leader. (Deputy superintendent of schools for business, associate superintendent of schools for business, assistant superintendent of schools for business and any other person having professional responsibility for the business operation of the school district shall hold this certificate.)

(1) Validity of certificate.  The professional certificate as a school district business leader shall be continuously valid, provided that the professional development requirement prescribed in section 80-3.6 of this Subpart is met by the professional certificate holder.  The professional certificate holder shall be required to meet such professional development requirement to maintain the continued validity of the professional certificate.

(2) Holders of a professional certificates as school district business leader may not serve as a school building leader unless they are certified as a school building leader or school administrator and supervisor under the requirements of Part 80 of this Title and may not serve as a school district leader unless they are certified as a school district leader or school district administrator under the requirements of Part 80 of this Title. 

(3) Requirements for a professional certificate as a school district business leader in the educational leadership service.  The candidate shall meet the following requirements:

(i) The candidate shall hold a master's or higher degree from a regionally accredited higher education institution or an equivalently approved higher education institution as determined by the department; and

(ii) either:

(a) have successfully completed a New York State program leading to a professional certificate as a school district business leader in the educational leadership service registered pursuant to section 52.21(c)(5) of this Title, or its equivalent as determined by the department.  As part of the program completion requirements, the candidate shall have successfully completed at least sixty semester hours of graduate study, which may include graduate study completed prior to admission to the program, and achieved a satisfactory level of performance on the New York State assessment for school district business leadership; or

(b) have successfully completed an educational leadership program outside of New York State that is equivalent with a program leading to a professional certificate as a school district business leader in the educational leadership service registered pursuant to section 52.21(c)(5) of this Title, except for the requirement that the candidate must pass the New York State assessment for school district business leadership.  To complete the educational requirement, the candidate must achieve a satisfactory level of performance on the New York State assessment for school district business leadership.  The candidate shall have successfully completed at least 60 semester hours of graduate study, which may include graduate study completed outside of the educational leadership program.  

          31.  The title of Subpart 80-5 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:



          32.  The title of section 80-5.6 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          80-5.6 [Supplementary] Supplemental school personnel.

          33.  The title of section 80-5.13 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

          80-5.13 Alternative [teacher certification] requirements for classroom teaching certificates.

34.  Section 80-5.15 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is repealed and a new section 80-5.15 is added, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

80-5.15 Alternative requirements for school district leader certificates.

(a) Requirements for the transitional D certificate for service as a school district leader, applicable to a candidate enrolled in an alternative school district leader certification program pursuant to section 52.21(c)(4) of this Title.

(1) General requirements.

(i) Time validity.  The transitional D certificate shall be valid for five years from its effective date and shall not be renewable.

(ii) Limitations.  The transitional D certificate shall authorize a candidate to serve as a school district leader in a school district or board of cooperative educational services (BOCES) which has provided a commitment for employment under an alternative school district leader certification program pursuant to section 52.21(c)(4) of this Title. The transitional D certificate shall only be valid as long as the candidate is matriculated in good standing in a registered alternative school district leader certification program and under the supervision of that program. 

(2) To qualify for the transitional D certificate, the candidate shall meet the requirements in each of the following subparagraphs:

(i) Demonstrated potential through prior leadership experiences.  The candidate must be approved by the department as an exceptionally qualified candidate for a school district leadership position with the substantial equivalent of three years of experience as a teacher, administrator, or pupil personnel provider in a public or non-public school, and the candidate shall submit to the department adequate evidence demonstrating such exceptional qualifications.  The candidate shall demonstrate at least three years of exemplary service in a leadership position in an organization or organizations in which the candidate has demonstrated strong performance.  Through this equivalent prior experience, the candidate shall demonstrate the following accomplishments:

(a) developed and promoted a vision for an organization;

(b) collaboratively identified goals and objectives for achieving that vision;

(c) communicated effectively to promote goals;

(d) lead comprehensive long-range planning, informed by multiple data sources for achieving goals;

(e) effected any needed change through ethical decision making based upon factual analysis even in the face of opposition;

(f) established accountability for achieving goals and objectives;

(g) developed staff capability for their roles in achieving goals;

(h) supervised the management of finances and facilities to support achievement of goals; and

(i) applied statutes and regulations in accordance with law and developed and implemented policies in accordance with law.

(ii) Program endorsement.  The candidate shall submit to the department adequate evidence of the registered alternative school district leader certification program's endorsement of the candidate for a transitional D certificate, including the program's description of how the candidate met each criterion used by the program to determine that the candidate had exceptional qualifications for becoming a school district leader with the substantial equivalent of three years of experience as a teacher, administrator, or pupil personnel provider in a public or non-public school.

(iii) Employment and support commitment.  The candidate shall submit satisfactory evidence of a written commitment from a school district or BOCES for district mentored and college supervised employment as a school district leader under the transitional D certificate, with mentoring of candidates for superintendent of schools to be provided by the regional BOCES District Superintendent or the New York City Regional Superintendent, or a superintendent identified by the regional BOCES District Superintendent or New York City Regional Superintendent, subject to the approval of the employing authorities.

(iv) Education.  The candidate shall hold a graduate degree (academic or professional) from an accredited institution of higher education or from an institution authorized by the Board of Regents to confer degrees and submit satisfactory evidence of matriculation in a registered alternative school district leader certification program leading to a professional certificate.

(v) Examination.  The candidate shall submit evidence of having achieved a satisfactory level of performance on the New York State assessment for school district leadership.

(b) Requirements for the professional certificate as a school district leader, applicable for a candidate holding a transitional D certificate and matriculated in an alternative school district leader certification program pursuant to section 52.21(c)(4) of this Title.  To qualify for the professional certificate, the candidate shall meet the requirements in each of the following paragraphs:

(1) The candidate shall hold the transitional D certificate and have successfully completed the New York State assessment for school district leadership required for that certificate.

(2) Education.  The candidate shall hold a graduate degree (academic or professional) from an accredited institution of higher education or from an institution authorized by the Board of Regents to confer degrees and submit satisfactory evidence of having successfully completed an alternative school district leadership program leading to the professional certificate, registered by the department pursuant to section 52.21(c)(4) of this Title.  Such registered alternative school district leadership program shall include a mentored experience, in accordance with the requirements of section 52.21(c)(4) of this Title.  Upon program completion, the candidate shall have successfully completed at least 60 semester hours of graduate study that may include graduate study completed prior to admission to the registered alternative school district leadership program and graduate study completed in such program.

(3) Experience.  The candidate shall have successfully completed three years of educational leadership service and/or classroom teaching service and/or pupil personnel service experience in public or non-public schools N-12, which must include at least one year of service as a school district leader under the transitional D certificate.

35.  Section 80-5.17 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education is amended, effective June 15, 2006, as follows:

80-5.17 Conditional initial certificate [in the classroom teaching service].

(a) Conditional initial certificate in the classroom teaching service.  For initial certification in a certificate title in the classroom teaching service for which this Part requires completion of an examination requirement, the commissioner may issue to a candidate who has not met such examination requirement a two-year nonrenewable conditional initial certificate, notwithstanding that the examination requirement has not been met, and deem that all other requirements for the initial teacher's certificate in the certificate title in the classroom teaching service have been met, provided that the candidate holds a valid regular teacher's certificate in the same  or an equivalent title by a state which has contracted with the State of New York pursuant to section 3030 of the Education Law, the interstate agreement on qualifications of educational personnel, and provided further that such regular teacher's certificate issued by the other state evidence knowledge, skills and abilities comparable to those required for certification in New York State.

(b) Conditional initial certificate in the title school building leader.  The commissioner may issue a two-year nonrenewable conditional initial certificate in the title school building leader to a candidate who applies for the certificate after September 1, 2006 meets the following requirements:

(1) the candidate has completed successfully the education requirement prescribed in section 80-3.10 (a)(1) of this Part and all other requirements for the initial certificate in the title school building leader, except the examination requirement; and

(2) the candidate holds a valid regular certificate in an equivalent title to the title school building leader issued by a state which has contracted with the State of New York pursuant to section 3030 of the Education Law, the interstate agreement on qualifications of educational personnel, provided further that such certificate issued by the other state evidence knowledge, skills and abilities comparable to those required for certification in New York State.

[(b)] (c) To meet the requirements for a full initial certificate in [such] the certificate title of the conditional initial certificate, the candidate shall be required to submit to the commissioner, at least 60 days prior to the expiration of the conditional initial certificate, satisfactory evidence of meeting the examination requirement for the initial certificate title sought, as prescribed in this Part.  If the candidate meets such examination requirement and all other requirements for the initial certificate title sought, the commissioner shall issue [an] the initial certificate.