The Honorable the Members of the Board of Regents



Johanna Duncan-Poitier



Appointment to the Position of Executive Secretary, State Board for Clinical Laboratory Technology



April 22, 2005



Goal 3





Executive Summary

Issue for Decision


          Should the Regents approve the appointment of Kathleen Doyle as Executive Secretary to the State Board for Clinical Laboratory Technology?  Dr. Doyle has over fifteen years of experience in her current position as Executive Secretary for the State Board for Psychology, and the State Board of Massage Therapy, as well as administrator of the psychotherapy institute review unit.  If appointed to the position of Executive Secretary to the State Board for Clinical Laboratory Technology, Dr. Doyle will also continue to serve in her current position.


Proposed Handling


          This recommendation will come before the full Board of Regents at its Executive Session for discussion during the May Regents meeting.  It will then come before the full Board for final action on May 17, 2005.


Procedural History


          Chapter 755 of the Laws of 2004 authorizes licensure of Clinical Laboratory Technologists and Cytotechnologists, and authorizes certification of Clinical Laboratory Technicians.  The three new professions will be licensed/certified and regulated by the Board of Regents and the State Education Department.  The law will become effective on September 1, 2006.  Statute requires that the Board of Regents appoint an Executive Secretary to the State Board for Clinical Laboratory Technology.  The Executive Secretary will work with the Regents and the Department to establish a State Board, implement the new professions, and to oversee and support the on-going work of the Board. The State Board assists the Regents and the Department on matters of professional licensing and professional conduct.


Background Information


With the addition of the three new clinical laboratory technology professions, the number of professions under the jurisdiction of the Regents and the Department increased from 36 ten years ago to 47 today.  With the four new mental health therapy professions and three clinical laboratory technology professions, the total number of licensed and registered professionals in New York could surpass one million by 2007.


          Implementation of each new profession requires a very comprehensive process with many coordinated steps. The Executive Secretary to the State Board for Clinical Laboratory Technology will oversee the implementation of the new clinical laboratory technology professions, which will include:

§       Interviewing potential members of the State Board and recommending qualified candidates for your consideration and approval

§       Developing regulations to implement the new law, with significant input from the field

§       Identifying licensure-qualifying programs and licensure examinations

§       Producing various application materials

§       Preparing frequently asked questions and answers, practice information, and consumer information and sharing widely with the field


Kathleen Doyle is an exceptional colleague with the necessary experience and expertise to successfully carry out this important responsibility.  During her fifteen years with New York State Education Department, she has administered the State Boards for Psychology and Massage Therapy with a commitment to protecting the public and ensuring the integrity of the licensed professions.  She is well respected within the professional community and continues to cultivate positive relationships with the field.  Dr. Doyle has provided leadership on the development of numerous regulations impacting professional licensure and practice. She has been at the forefront of efforts to provide important practice-related information to licensees and to consumers of their services.  Dr. Doyle’s colleagues frequently seek out her advice and expertise.  She has served on numerous steering committees, advisory groups, and process improvement teams.  A copy of Dr. Doyle’s curriculum vitae is attached.




It is recommended that the Regents approve the appointment of Kathleen Doyle as Executive Secretary to the State Board for Clinical Laboratory Technology. 


Timetable for Implementation


If the Regents approve the recommendation, the appointment will be effective May 17, 2005.  In the coming months, we will be working to prepare for the implementation of the new professions.  We will keep you informed on progress and request your consideration and recommendations on a number of issues including State Board membership and preliminary draft regulations.