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Meeting Date: 
Monday, February 12, 2018 - 11:05am
Meeting Date: 
Monday, February 12, 2018 - 10:10am

Report of Regents P-12 Education/Adult Career and Continuing Education Services (ACCES) Joint Meeting Committee to The Board of Regents

Your P-12 Education and ACCES Committees held a joint meeting on January 22, 2018.  All members were present, with the exception of Vice Chancellor Brown, Regent Johnson and Regent Norwood, who were excused.


Meeting Date: 
Monday, January 22, 2018 - 12:05pm
Meeting Date: 
Monday, January 22, 2018 - 10:30am

Report of Regents P-12 Education Committee to The Board of Regents

Your P-12 Education Committee held its scheduled meeting on December 11, 2017.  All members were present, except for Regent Hakanson, who was excused. Regent Young started the meeting by introducing the Superintendent of the Newburgh Enlarged City School District, Dr. Roberto Padilla.  Dr. Padilla introduced Linda Romano, a Health Science Teacher in his district, who was named national teacher of the year by the Association for Career and Technical Education. Ms. Romano started the Nurse Aide Program at Newburgh Free Academy which now has an enrollment of over 200 students.

Meeting Date: 
Monday, December 11, 2017 - 2:40pm
Meeting Date: 
Monday, December 11, 2017 - 1:00pm
