REGENTS GOAL  All students will meet high standards for academic performance and personal behavior and demonstrate the knowledge and skills required by a dynamic world.


Performance Measures[1]:


·       Percentage of children entering kindergarten knowing sounds and letters

·       Percentage of students meeting standards on State assessments

·       Participation rates for students with disabilities on State assessments

·       Percentage of ninth graders graduating high school within four years

·       Number of individuals with disabilities who have received vocational rehabilitation services and have successful outcomes


Key Strategies:


1.     Promote the grade-by-grade Math and English Language Arts standards.

2.     Distribute detailed curriculum resources in math and English language arts.

3.     Expand research-based reading programs statewide.

4.     Develop policy and practice to ensure that the high school diploma signifies readiness for citizenship, work and adult responsibility.

5.     Implement the school improvement strategy, regional support networks and academic interventions for low performing schools.

6.     Focus Department oversight on districts where outcomes indicate the greatest need for improvement for students with disabilities and English language learners.

7.     Strengthen the use of library, museum, archives and public broadcasting resources to support learning.

8.     Implement grade-by-grade testing.

9.     Implement the Statewide Student Data System and Comprehensive Special Education Information System.




  REGENTS GOAL  All educational institutions will meet Regents high performance



Performance Measures:


·       Percentage of schools meeting Annual Yearly Progress standards

·       Number of schools on SURR list or identified as In Need of Improvement

·       Number of districts identified as being in financial stress

·       Percentage of applying museums and historical societies achieving an absolute charter

·       Number of public libraries which become voting public library districts

·       Percentage of teacher education institutions achieving the established pass rate on teacher certification examinations

·       Progress on implementation of postsecondary education sectors’ master plans after four years compared to the original plans


Key Strategies:


1.     Implement middle school reforms.

2.     Begin high school reforms.

3.     Implement a system of fiscal indicators for school districts.

4.     Simplify school district reporting mandates.

5.     Require corrective action for teacher education programs that fall below the established pass rates on certification examinations. Review need to increase the pass rates or otherwise strengthen the examinations.

6.     Implement the Statewide Plan for Higher Education.

7.     Put into place a new approach for State aid to schools.

8.     Strengthen local school districts’ capacity to use data to improve instruction.

9.     Develop instructional leadership at all levels.

10.  Provide training and guidance on internal controls and fiscal fitness to school administrators and school boards.

11.  Provide guidance and training to help cultural institutions and local government records programs meet standards.

12.  Expand the capacity of colleges and universities to educate students with disabilities.

13.  Convene USNY leaders to promote stronger collaboration across institutions to improve instruction and learning.

14.  Conduct forums for educators and business leaders to collaborate on challenges shared by the education and the workforce systems.

15.  Partner with health and mental health organizations to remove barriers to learning.

16.  Expand the capacity of the vocational rehabilitation system.




 REGENTS GOAL  The public will be served by qualified, ethical professionals who remain

 current with best practice in their fields and reflect the diversity of New York State.


Performance Measures:


·       Percentage of teachers teaching subjects for which they are certified

·       Percentage of elementary schools with certified library media specialists

·       Cycle time for determinations of summary suspensions for licensees who pose imminent public harm

·       Percentage of licensed professionals who receive guidance information on professional practice issues from the Department

·       Enrollment trends in graduate science programs           


Key Strategies:


1.     Recruit librarians in all fields, including school librarians.

2.     Assess progress on the Regents teaching policy.

3.     Recruit and prepare more teachers of mathematics, science, special education, and English language learners and then retain them once they are in the classroom.

4.     Coordinate implementation of the recommendations of the Regents Task Force on Nursing.

5.     Increase access to graduate and professional education programs.

6.     License and regulate the six new professions established by statute in 2002.

7.     Develop practice guidelines for the licensed professions.




 REGENTS GOAL  Education, information, and cultural resources will be available and

 accessible to all people.


Performance Measures:


·       Percentage of students with disabilities in different educational settings

·       Trends in classification rates for school-age students with disabilities

·       Number of four- and five-year olds residing in school districts without prekindergarten or full-day kindergarten programs

·       Number of New Yorkers without local public library service

·       Number of on-site and electronic users of the State Archives, Library and Museum resources

·       Number of collections about under-documented groups preserved and made accessible for teaching and learning

·       Percentage of selected Department customer service transactions available via the internet

·       Net price for full-time students from low income families to attend a NYS public postsecondary institution

·       Percentage of schools and libraries with broadband connections

·       Percentage of elementary and middle schools with librarians and media specialists


Key Strategies:


1.     Review early childhood education policy and practice so that all children get a good start.

2.     Make prekindergarten universal.

3.     Build capacity to educate children with disabilities in the least restrictive environment.

4.     Promote greater accessibility in the design of curriculum materials and instructional practices.

5.     Increase the pre-employment training and employment opportunities for vocational rehabilitation consumers.

6.     Increase access to postsecondary education for historically underrepresented students.

7.     Oversee the renewal of the State Museum exhibition and education programs.

8.     Expand the Documentary Heritage program.

9.     Expand the Department’s use of the Internet for customer service, data collection and reporting, dissemination of information, and educational content.

10.  Develop a technology strategy based upon recommendations approved by the Regents from the USNY Technology Policy and Practices Council.




 REGENTS GOAL Resources under our care will be used or maintained in the public interest.


Performance Measures:


·       Progress on securing site, architectural work and construction plans for a new cultural education facility compared to planned timetable

·       Progress on the renewal of State Museum exhibits and renovations of the State Library compared to plan milestones

·       Ratio of vocational rehabilitation funds expended to wages earned, taxes paid, and public assistance savings for consumers who are rehabilitated

·       Percentage of the Department’s priority information technology projects which are on time and on budget

·       Cycle time for selected Department services

·       Percentage of customers indicating they are satisfied with selected SED services

·       Percentage of the Department’s discretionary funds that are awarded to low-performing schools and high need districts


Key Strategies:


1.     Transition the Department’s financial systems to web-based technology to improve efficiency and reliability.

2.     Ensure the Department’s operations are effective, efficient, and are in compliance with State and federal laws and regulations.

3.     Improve the articulation between the Department’s financial systems and those of other NYS agencies.

4.     Reduce cycle time for specific Department services.

5.     Maintain secure controls over the information contained in the Department’s databases.

6.     Complete priority information technology projects to improve key Department services and enhance information available for policy decision-making.

7.     Complete renovations of the State Library and State Museum.

8.     Implement the new research and collections facility plan.




 REGENTS GOAL  Our work environment will meet high standards.


Performance Measures:


·       Percentage of Department staff participating in professional development programs and the percentage of those staff who rate those programs as useful to their jobs

·       Demographic trends in the Department workforce

·       Percentage of Department employees who indicate satisfaction with quality of the work environment

·       Percentage of OSHA and PESHA occupational workforce standards that Department facilities meet


Key Strategies:


1.     Expand professional development offerings for all staff based on Department and employee needs.

2.     Enhance workforce planning and opportunities for staff rotations so that the Department is prepared for the future.

3.     Increase staff diversity.

4.     Improve the health, security, and safety of the Department’s facilities statewide.


[1] Data will be disaggregated by race/ethnicity, capacity/resource need of district, disability status, and for English Language Learners, and Career and Technical Education students as appropriate and when available.