EMSC-VESID Committee


Jean C. Stevens


Regents Policy on Career and Technical Education


February 6, 2006


Goals 1 and 2






Issue for Discussion


Is this report on the evaluation, enrollment trends and other data sufficient for the Regents to determine if any adjustments are needed in their policy on career and technical education?


Reason(s) for Consideration


Review of policy.

Proposed Handling


This question will come before the Regents EMSC-VESID Committee on February 13, 2006.


Procedural History


The Regents established new policy on career and technical education in February 2001.  Periodic reports are presented to the Regents on implementation of the policy.  The last comprehensive report was submitted in December 2004, and it included the first independent evaluation of the program.


Background Information


The New York State Learning Standards area for Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) was approved by the Board of Regents in July 1996.  The Career and Technical Education policy which assists in the implementation of CDOS Standards 3b was approved by the Board of Regents in February 2001.  The attached report builds on the data and year one independent evaluation results provided to the Board in December 2004.


          The attached report includes the year two independent evaluation results, an update on career and technical education program approvals, enrollment trends, and follow-up initiatives to address recommendations included in the year one evaluation report.  Attachment A is a copy of the year two evaluation completed by MAGI Educational Services, an independent research and consulting firm.  Attachment B is a report prepared by the New York City Department of Education on its newly established small learning communities for enhanced career and technical education programming.  Attachment C provides some performance data for approved CTE programs in New York City that was provided by the New York City Department of Education.




Staff recommend that the Regents review the report and determine if additional information is needed as they continue to monitor implementation of their career and technical education policy.


Timetable for Implementation


Not applicable.








Career and Technical Education Policy Review


          In February 2001, the Board of Regents approved its policy on career and technical education (CTE).  The policy has a twofold purpose:


·       Promote and upgrade career and technical education programs; and

·       Provide greater flexibility and access in curriculum and courses for high school students who want to pursue CTE programs to meet graduation requirements.


The following report provides an update on implementation of the Regents policy.


I.        Independent Evaluation


          In December 2004, the Regents received the year one evaluation report on implementation of the Regents CTE policy.  It focused on student achievement, curriculum and instruction, and overall program quality.  The report was prepared by MAGI Educational Services, an independent research and consulting firm.  The findings in the MAGI Report indicated several positive outcomes as measured by enrollment increases, academic and technical skills attainment, and stakeholder satisfaction.  The results supported the Department's documented evidence in these areas through the Career and Technical Education Data System (CTEDS) and the System for Tracking Education Performance (STEP) programs. 


          Recently, MAGI Educational Services completed a year two evaluation report with key findings on the CTE application process, CTE programs in context, academic and technical rigor, high school non-participation and the impact of CTE programs.  A copy of the year two report is provided as Attachment A.


          The evaluation examined the impact of the CTE policy on career and technical education programming.  Information obtained shows transformational changes not only in program name but also in content, especially in Business/Information Systems and Engineering/Technologies.


·       Business/Information Systems – vocationally designated secretarial and clerical programs have given way to career and technical education programs in communications and graphic design, computer applications, finance academies and advanced marketing and distribution.  Information technology now emphasizes system design, networking and sophisticated computer modeling.


·       Engineering/Technologies – vocationally designated carpentry, electricity and plumbing are now part of broader programs in construction technology that introduce students to entrepreneurship, computer-assisted drafting and design, architecture, environmental regulation and public policy. 



These changes are consistent with nationwide transformations as published in an article by Dr. Gary Hoachlander (a member of the New York State Career and Technical Education Advisory Panel) in the January 2006 issue of The School Administrator.  Dr. Hoachlander is President of MPR Associates which conducts research, policy analysis, evaluation, and curriculum and professional development for the U.S. Department of Education, State and local governments, higher education institutions and local school districts.  Dr. Hoachlander has expertise in career and technical education and served on the New York State National Advisory Panel for CTE in preparation for the development of the Regents Policy on Career and Technical Education.


The option for schools to use integrated and specialized courses or a combination to meet graduation requirements is a unique feature of the CTE policy.  We have learned from the evaluation study that this feature has motivated schools to update and modify their programs consistent with standards-based instruction, and with assessment support for accountability and targeted professional development for building capacity to sustain the programs.  Greater than 90 percent of approved programs use either of these options. 


II.       Career and Technical Education Program Approvals


As of February 1, 2006, 26 local educational agencies and 38 BOCES have submitted program approval forms to the Department, requesting approval for career and technical education (CTE) programs.  The following chart indicates how many applications have been received and approved.






Approved to Date




Business/Information Systems



Health Services






Human & Public Services



Natural & Agricultural Sciences







III.      Enrollment Trends


Enrollment data is from the Career and Technical Education Data System (CTEDS) and provides information for total student enrollment in CTE programs in the Big 5 school districts and BOCES.  LEA data is not provided in this report since 2004-05 data is not yet complete.



Career and Technical Education Enrollments

2001-2002 to 2004-2005 School Years






















New York City










Total Big 5 CTE Enrollment











          While enrollment has held fairly steady over this period, districts’ examination of their programs, and the closure of those programs that were outdated or ineffective, has contributed to enrollment declines in some areas.  In the Next Steps section of this report, we discuss our plans to work with districts to address this issue.


IV.      New York City


Attachment B is a full report submitted by the New York City Department of Education.  The report provides valuable information on the newly established small learning communities for enhanced career and technical education programming.  Information is provided on the organization of each school into academies, specifically the number of academies in each school, the challenges each school faces and the New York City Department of Education activities toward ameliorating these challenges in each school.


The small learning community CTE schools in New York City are using a variety of approaches to address their unique challenges.  However, common areas of focus across the small learning community schools are:


·       Ensuring that entering students are supported with bridge programs that will help them to meet standards in English and mathematics;

·       Improving attendance; and

·       Increasing the number of students graduating.


Of the 1,074 New York City students who completed a CTE approved program in 2004, 933 passed all required Regents examinations.  This information is reflected in Attachment C.


V.       Initiatives


Based on the recommendations in the year one evaluation report, the following initiatives were undertaken by the Department to improve awareness of policy provisions, increase student participation/enrollment in CTE programs and improve overall performance.  These were the points of emphasis in technical assistance endeavors undertaken by staff.


          1.       Professional Development


A series of professional development/technical assistance workshops have been or will be implemented with special focus on academic and technical content integration, involvement of CTE and academic teachers in planning and instructional delivery, and program enhancements to ensure graduates are ready for work, the military and/or postsecondary education.  Examples of these workshops include:


·       Accounting for Investing and Managing

·       Cyberlaw

·       Stock Market Game

·       Crosswalking Mathematics and Financial Application to New Mathematic Standards

·       Developing an Updated Home and Career Skills Core Curriculum

·       Integrated Academics in Construction Technology Programs

·       Integrating Forensic Science in Criminal Justice Programs

·       Strategies for Improving Agricultural Education in New York State

·       Department of Health Regulations for Health Occupations Educators

·       Regional/Local Meetings of New York State Work Experience Coordinators Association


2.        Career and Technical Education Resource Center


          The Career and Technical Education Resource Center is part of the State's strategy aimed at closing the achievement gap in low-performing school districts.  Located at QUESTAR III BOCES, the Center collaborates with educators and partner organizations to raise student achievement in school districts and BOCES identified as needing improvement.  Activities of the CTE Resource Center will include, but not be limited to:


·       Providing professional development;

·       Providing technical assistance and a framework of proven strategies and recommended curriculum to increase student achievement on State assessments;

·       Disseminating the latest research and school efforts demonstrating successful practices; and

·       Convening meetings, workshops and conferences and developing materials specifically designed to increase student achievement.


3.       CTE Program Re-approval


          Career and technical education policy provisions require that approved programs be subject to re-approval every five years.  CTE programs approved in the 2001-2002 school year are eligible for re-approval during the 2005-2006 school year.


          The SED Career and Technical Education team has completed a process protocol for those schools with programs eligible for re-approval.  The re-approval application form was put together with input from all stakeholders in the field resulting in the strengthening of all sections of the approval process.  The document delineates benefits for students and responsibilities for schools, students and the community.  To improve access to information for this process, the re-approval document is posted on the Office of Curriculum and Instructional Support (OCIS), CTE Team website at


VI.                      Next Steps


Based on the independent evaluation and staff analysis, we have identified five major areas that will be the focus for future directions for CTE in New York State.  The activities in each major area are built upon the ongoing technical assistance initiatives by staff in the areas of policy awareness, student participation and program effectiveness.


1.               Promote the Legitimacy of Career and Technical Education in New York State's Reform Agenda


Staff will be working in collaboration with the Destination Diploma Task Force to expand CTE options in schools most in need.  A series of full-day technical assistance workshops will be held through the CTE Resource Center in the spring of this year.   The Resource Center will target schools that do not meet the federal Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act requirements for additional staff development.  The Department is hiring Family and Consumer Sciences and Health Occupations Associates and two Assistants in Continuing Education to start in late February.  This will increase the Office’s presence in the field and allow for more specific content-related technical assistance to teachers and administrators.


2.               Increase Awareness of and Market the CTE Program Approval Process


One of the responsibilities of the CTE Resource Center is the marketing of the CTE Program Approval Process with emphasis on the Big 5 school districts and local educational agencies.  The website has been expanded to provide instructions and forms for both the program approval and re-approval process.  Expanded technical assistance in all CTE disciplines will be available.


3.               Provide Systematic Technical Assistance


In addition to ongoing technical assistance, staff will focus their attention on strategies to increase enrollments within the Big 5 school districts.  Further upgrading and expanding the scope of high quality programs, through the CTE approval process, is one of the approaches currently being used.


A task force of staff from the New York City Department of Education and the State Education Department was convened to identify issues of concern.  Three issues which the New York City Department of Education believed were critical were certification of CTE teachers, data collection and the use of integrated academic credit within CTE programs.  SED staff with expertise in these areas have met twice in New York City to provide technical assistance to address these issues.


          CTE data from New York City indicates that enrollment in CTE programs has increased slightly in school year 2004-05.  Emphasis will be placed on working with these CTE schools to become state-of-the-art educational facilities and remain competitive both academically and technically.


The majority of the career and technical education programs will continue to refine their components through professional development for staff, securing appropriate certification for staff, and postsecondary articulation with institutions of higher learning.  Programs continue to focus on academic and technical content integration and the involvement of academic teachers should continue to be a priority of CTE administrators.


4.               Facilitate an ongoing dialogue between high schools and postsecondary educational institutions


          We are working with the Office of Higher Education to conduct a forum that will build upon the findings of the November Educational Summit by specifically addressing how middle schools, secondary schools, postsecondary institutions, and business and industry can collaborate to develop smooth transitions in and among these groups and to assist every student in achieving the highest level of academic and technical skills.


          The forum will showcase existing, successful transition models and will propose ways by which these models can be replicated across New York State.  Three strands of presentations will address all achievement levels and will include:


·       Encouraging success in those at risk;

·       Inspiring those in the middle; and

·       Challenging the best.


The forum has been proposed for spring 2006.  Funding is available from the U.S. Department of Education, which is being provided to support a series of national forums on this issue.


5.       Data Collection


This will be ongoing in the areas of student performance, technical assessments, enrollment, and placement in participating school districts/BOCES.  An effort will be made to maintain a comparative approach in all phases of data gathering for students enrolled in CTE versus those not enrolled in the program.


We continue to work with SED data collection offices and the field to improve data reporting.


VII.     Continued Analysis


          Continued work will be done with the independent evaluator, MAGI Educational Services, in the following areas:


·       A comparison of CTE students and non-CTE students on high school outcomes and dropout rates; and

·       A review of approved CTE courses to confirm that the integrated/specialized academic content (English and math) is at the commencement level. 


Information and data from any or all of these items when completed will assist staff in providing appropriate technical assistance to school districts/BOCES.


Attachment B


Background of the Eight Small Learning Communities/Career and Technical Education High Schools

(Submitted by the New York City Department of Education)


In August 2004, the Office of School Improvement and Restructuring (known today as the Office of Secondary Schools) of the New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE) received a Smaller Learning Communities Implementation Grant from the U.S. Department of Education.  The implementation process for the years 2004-2007 is named Get REAL (Relationship-based Education for Adolescent Learning) and includes eight Career and Technical Education (CTE) high schools.  The eight project schools are:


(1)   Chelsea Campus High School -Region 9

(2) Grace H. Dodge High School -Region 1

(3) William E. Grady High School -Region 7

(4) Graphic Communication Arts High School-Region 9

(5) William H. Maxwell Vocational High School-Region 5

(6) Queens Vocational High School-Region 4

(7) Alfred E. Smith High School-Region 9

(8) Clara Barton High School-Region 6


(1) Chelsea Campus High School

Chelsea Campus High School began the organization of its school into three academies in fall 2004. Entering 9th graders were enrolled in the following theme schools: (1) Soho Business Academy, (2) Soho Art Academy and  (3) Chelsea Tech. Plans are in place to add concentrations in fine and graphic arts. Chelsea will complete implementation of the academies, including creating leadership teams. Attention will be directed to developing a number of strong career concentrations in each academy. Chelsea will also provide more support for entering students and for seniors who cannot meet Regents standards. The Chelsea SLC has an enrollment of 580 students.



Chelsea Technical Academy

SoHo Business Academy

SoHo Communication Arts

Number of students in SLC









Grade Levels


9th -10th


9th -10th


9th -10th



Currently, Chelsea is demonstrating evidence that the academies were having an impact on student achievement. Compared to the 2003-04 school year, significantly higher percentages of students were passing courses in all of the core academic areas. Ninth-grade teachers felt that the academy structure and the common planning time they had were making a difference.


The NYCDOE is working toward ameliorating challenges facing the three academies by:



(2) Grace H. Dodge High School

Grace H. Dodge High School created four academies, each offering multiple concentrations:  (1) Business and Technology, (2) Professional Beauty Care, (3) Health Sciences and (4) Legal Studies. There are plans to add a ninth-grade academy. To assure that all needs of students for an appropriate concentration are being addressed, an industry advisory committee is being established for each academy to make recommendations for modifications or additions to the sequence of courses in each academy based on labor market needs and requirements for entry into postsecondary education. Dodge will implement a ninth-grade academy to include double-block catch-up courses for students performing below grade level and include: common planning time for teachers, a career exploratory course, and strong advisory and extra-help systems. The school will improve its advisory curriculum introduced last year and train teachers to be effective in teaching the lessons and in carrying out other responsibilities as teacher advisers. The Grace H. Dodge SLC has an enrollment of 1,557 students.




9th Grade Academy



Business and Technology


Health Sciences


Legal Studies


Professional Beauty Care

Number of students in SLC












Grade Levels





10th -12th


10th -12th


10th -12th


10th -12th


Achievement on Regents exams in English and mathematics is improving. Seventy-four percent (74%) of the 2004 graduating class met these standards in English and 55% in mathematics – significant increases from 2003-04. The pass rates were higher than for similar schools and for all city schools. The school has provided staff in-service and used dedicated departmental meetings to align instruction with the Regents examinations.


The NYCDOE is working toward ameliorating challenges facing the five themed schools by:



(3) William H. Grady High School

William H. Grady High School began implementation of small learning communities four years ago. The principal is credited by staff for leading this initiative which has resulted in the creation of four theme schools: (1) College Now-Business-Food Management, (2) Construction Technology-Heating Ventilation-Air Conditioning, (3) Information Technology-Pre-engineering; and (4) Automotive Technology. A review of school testing data projects that Grady will achieve AYP in both English and mathematics this fiscal year.  Last year, 400 students were in the College Now program which allowed them to take postsecondary courses. A new state-of-the-art science lab is expected to enhance the quality of instruction.  Grady will implement a comprehensive teacher advisement system, including a planned curriculum of advisory sessions geared to students’ unique needs at each grade level. The Grady SLC has an enrollment of 1,500 students.




Automotive Technology




Willis H. Carrier Academy of HVAC


Academy of Construction Technology


Entrepre-neurship Academy – College Now Program


Project Lead The Way



Information Technology

Number of students in SLC













Grade Levels

9th -12th

9th -12th

9th -12th

9th -12th

9th -12th

9th -12th


A review of school testing data projects that Grady will achieve AYP in both English and mathematics this fiscal year. In 2004, 71% of the students met Regents standards in English, but only 34% met these standards in mathematics.


The school’s commitment to “foster opportunities for success” can be found by touring the building and seeing the displays throughout the building of quality student work, pictures and plaques of award-winning teams and clubs and congratulatory letters to seniors regarding scholarships and postsecondary acceptance.


The NYCDOE is working toward ameliorating challenges facing the six technology schools by:



(4) Graphic Communication Arts High School

Graphic Communication Arts High School is restructuring itself into five small learning communities: (1) Academy of Print Media, (2) Academy of Visual Arts, (3) Academy of Photography, (4) Academy of Journalism, and the (5) Academy of Law Enforcement. The school is working to create a culture of high expectations. Graphics will complete the implementation of its academies, including developing defined concentrations for the academies that do not presently have them, establish a teacher adviser system, including a defined curriculum for advisory sessions, and providing teachers training for their roles that will help increase students’ sense of belonging and their success. The Graphics SLC has an enrollment of 979 students.




Academy of Photography



Academy of Print Media


Academy of Visual Arts


Academy of Journalism


Academy of Law Enforcement

Number of students in SLC











Grade Levels








The school is working to create a culture of high expectations. The evaluation team observed orderly hallways and good discipline in most of the classrooms. The principal has met with students to emphasize the connection between education and income and to outline “roadblocks to success.” Teachers felt the assemblies encouraged students to improve behavior and performance.


The school has an extensive system of extra help, including double-block English and mathematics classes for 9th graders who are below grade level. Students who fail the mathematics Regents exam are required to complete 40 hours of tutoring.  PM school offered students a chance to make up course work and students are being given help to pass the Math A Regents exam with parallel content classes and math labs.


The school has made some progress in using literacy strategies across the curriculum. Teachers have developed a reading list for each grade level and use a common writing rubric. Staff has received extensive professional development in literacy and mathematics.


The NYCDOE is working toward ameliorating challenges facing the five academies by:



(5) William H. Maxwell Vocational High School

William H. Maxwell Vocational High School began the process of implementing four career/technical theme schools in fall 2004: (1) Appearance Enhancement -Cosmetology and Nail Techno logy; (2) Apparel Design -Fashion; (3) Health Careers -Medical Assisting and Vision Technology; and (4) Communications Arts -Communications Media). Maxwell will complete the implementation of its theme schools, develop new concentrations, and expand the teacher advisement system to meet the needs of all students as well as implement a more comprehensive curriculum for teachers to carry out other advisement responsibilities. The Maxwell SLC has an enrollment of 1,131 students.




Comm.  Media


Apparel Tech Design

Appearance Enhancement

Health Careers

Number of students in SLC





Grade Levels


9th -12th

9th -12th

9th -12th

9th -12th


Maxwell has articulation agreements with postsecondary institutions and a number of businesses provide student internship opportunities. The school made an effort last year to provide an advisory course for 9th graders that addressed issues faced by entering students.


The NYCDOE is working toward ameliorating challenges facing the four academies by:



(6) Queens Vocational High School

Queens Vocational High School is organizing into four career theme schools: (1) Skilled Building Trades, (2) Entrepreneurial Studies, (3) Computer and Electronic Engineering Technology and (4) Exploration and Discovery.


The School of Exploration and Discovery for ninth-grade students is the first SLC in the series to be implemented. The school has an assigned assistant principal, a dean, and a guidance counselor. In the new facility, the school will have its own designated area. Teachers have common planning time and all students are enrolled in double courses in English and mathematics.  An advisory/health for credit class is required for all ninth graders.


Achievement on Regents examinations in English and mathematics has been steadily rising over the past three years. Almost two-thirds of Queens’ students (65%) met standards for Regents diploma in English and 45% qualified in mathematics. Overall, 21% of the 2004 graduating class qualified for a Regents diploma. Performance on the SAT is the highest among the seven schools with a composite average of 900. However, this score is still below city, state and national averages. The attendance rate has remained constant over the past three years. The Queens SLC has an enrollment of 1,133 students.



9th grade School of Exploration and Discovery



School of Entrepre-neurial Studies

School of Skilled Building Trades

School of Computer, Electronics, and Engineering Technology

Number of students in SLC









Grade Levels


10th -12th

10th -12th

10th -12th


The NYCDOE is working toward ameliorating challenges facing the four schools by:



(7) Alfred E. Smith High School

Alfred E. Smith High School is organizing into three small learning communities: (1) Gateway Academy for 9th graders, (2) School of Academics and Construction Skills and (3) Bronx Automotive Technology. The school is located in a high-poverty district with 97% of students qualifying for free lunch. All career technical programs are state approved with the exception of the pre-engineering program where approval is pending. 


Smith will complete implementation of the academies and offer a strong teacher advisement system to give every student a sense of belonging. They are also looking at ways to improve “catch-up” courses for ninth-grade students and continue to support enrollment in the summer bridge program to reduce the percentage of entering students who are academically unprepared. The school will provide professional development to help teachers learn how to use more engaging instructional strategies, including launching literacy- and mathematics-across-the-curriculum initiatives. The Smith SLC has an enrollment of 684 students.







Bronx Automotive Technology


School of Academics and Construction Skills

Number of students in SLC








Grade Levels




10th  - 12th


10th  - 12th


The school’s extraordinary leadership has created a secure environment and an atmosphere characterized by politeness and respect between students and staff. A “buddy” program pairs 9th graders with seniors to help them make a successful transition. 


The Gateway Academy is fully functioning. Teachers have common planning time and have taken advantage of this time to plan ways to integrate academic and career and technical studies. Entering students who are significantly below grade-level are encouraged to participate in the district’s summer bridge program, and academy teachers work closely with the program.


Achievement on the Regents examinations in English and mathematics has been improving. Fifty-six percent (56%) of the 2004 graduating class met Regents standards in English, but despite improvements, only 32 percent (32%) of the students met the standards in mathematics. Smith established a summer reading program. About 70% of the students complete their three-book reading assignment.


The NYCDOE is working toward ameliorating challenges facing three schools by:



(8) Clara Barton High School

Clara Barton High School has been in existence since 1937, and at 901 Classon Avenue since 1939. The school transitioned from a school for homemaking to one for health professions in order to meet the changing societal needs and economy. The primary focus of Clara Barton High School is to prepare students with an interest in the Health Professions for either college or an entry-level position in a health career and offers many specialized health professions programs such as LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse), Vision Technology, Dental Assistant, Dental Lab Technician, Medical Assistant, and Nursing Assistant. In addition the school has an honors program.  Clara Barton has an enrollment of 2,377 students. 



Industry Certification

·       Dental Assistant*

·       Medical Billing and Coding

·       Nursing Assistant*

·       Practical Nursing*

·       Virtual Enterprise

·       Vision Technology

·       Dental technology


§       Department of Health (DOH) Certified Nurse Assistant

§       Dental Assistant

§       Dental Lab Technician

§       State Certified Nurse Assistant

§       Licensed Practical Nurse Exam and  ATI Predictor Exam

*NYSED Approved

Attachment C



Number of Completers of Approved CTE Programs

Who Have Passed All Required Regents Examinations

(of those NYC CTE schools reporting)


(Submitted by the New York City Department of Education)



2004 Program Completers

Number Passing
All Required Regents


Percentage Passing

Alfred E. Smith High School




Aviation High School




Canarsie High School




Clara Barton High School




DeWitt Clinton High School




East NY Transit Technology High School




George Westinghouse High School




Grace H. Dodge High School




Harry Van Arsdale High School




High School of Graphic Communications Arts




Hillcrest High School




Jane Addams High School




Lafayette High School




Ralph McKee High School




Samuel Gompers Voc. And Tech. High School




Talent Unlimited High School




Thomas Edison High School




William E. Grady High School




Wm. H. Maxwell Vocational High School











